Dear Brothers, Good job. Both of you are doing a wonderful job by condenming each other's religion. The venom you spill out for each other is extraordinary. You are doing a great job to fulfill the desires of terrorists who have done this. They wanted this hate to grow and we are exactly playing in their hands. Please do take out some time and read scriptures of each other religion and I am sure you would conclude that no religion preaches hatred.
I can very well understand that when these kind of incidents happen, our minds get incited, the pain and grief in us explode and make our thinking revengeful. We need understand this nature of our mind and react with restraint.
God has made this beautiful mankind and he loves variation, thats why HE made lakhs of varietites of living beings. He has also given us the choice to think differently and adopt the religion of our choice. All religions end up with the same goal that is unite with GOD. I am yet to find a religion with different goal. But look at our dubious nature we all propogate to love GOD and then .... 1. RAM is the Hindu name to God, a muslim would not mind if you abuse RAM. 2. ALLAH is a muslim name to God, a Hindu wont mind if you abuse ALLAH. 3. VAHEGURU is a sikh name to God, but nither Hindu nor Muslim would mind if you abuse VAHEGURU.
But just imagine how a muslim, hindu, sikh or christian would react if you abuse their name given to the GOD. Or for that matter how would you react if your prophets are abused.
How hollow is our understanding of our own religion is clearly reflected by the way we behave. I do not believe in propogating non violence, cause at times violence or fighting is the only way out to get justice. We all adore Bhagat Singh. But then killing innocent people is sinful and treacherous, no matter who do it - Muslim, Hindu, Sikh or Christian.
We the educated people reflecting our thoughts through these forums, we should restrain ourselves. - Let the muslims come forward and raise their voice against the attrocities done by the misguided people of their community. - Let the Hindus admit their mistake what they did on the streets of Gujarat. - Let the Sikhs admit the mistakes done by thier brethren in Punjab. Condemning each other would not resolve the issues. We need to respect each other. Our kashmiri brothers may have some real griveances against us, lets listen to them patiently and with love. Our patient hearing may subside their anger by more than 80% and I feel the rest 20% can be resolved through our intelligence. Similarly the muslim brothers should realise the angst and pain of kashmiri pundits. But this can only be done by us the people of India at the ground level and definetely not at political level. As these politicians survive on the carnages and hatred.
Please stop this offence and counter offence methodology of discussion. Kabir ji says "AVAL ALLAH NOOR UPAYA KUDRAT KE SABH BANDE" Let us each accept this fact that OUR GOD is neither Hindu, Muslik, Sikh or Christian. for HIM all are equals.
I may sound stupid to some people who may find it difficult to accept these thoughts, as their mind is attuned to revengeful thinking. For them I would pray to Almighty to bless us with love, calm and compusure. May God bless us all..