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Let me some peace
by Navnit Singh on Feb 21, 2007 11:15 PM

As I sat near the window
the train whistled to move
within few minutes it catched up speed
looking at the track I saw a shadow running
she enterd through the door and sat beside me
I looked in her eyes and she shyed away
she looked pale, with pain on her face
I could not resist and asked her my way
who she was and where she tend to go
she said she was death and not sure where to go
she had been so busy and travelling alot
had her journey to Godhra and now to Panipat
She thought for some time and sighed to me
things are now no more the same
the man who hated her now love her the most
before i could say another thing to her
she just broke down and cried a loud
she said, she had no rest and no time to sleep
O Man! please forgive me and let me some sleep
please stop the bloodbath and let me some peace..

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