i don't understand, why ltte is resorting to the gureilla warfare, considering the loses. Considering the ethnic cleansing done by sla in north srilanka... i don't understand, what the important point these guys are trying to gain by being good, when the people are being died? If one tamilian is killed in north, blast the bombs in south and let at least 100 sinhalas be killed . Then it will stop automatically.... These guys, went and bombed in katunayke airport and attacked only the military establishment... if the government is striking at all the civilian establishments, what stops these guys from attacking the civilian establishments?
i don't understand... every conversation turns against islam... Grow up guys...Every religion, had its own good and evil... And just people turn it their favor. I'm renouncing my religion for the sake of mankind. Mankind is above any religion. If your religion makes you an animal, then probably you don't have any reason to stick around that.... because, it yielded more bad than good to you.
This prabhakaran is a criminal, as far as India is concerned. He should be caught and handed over to India. For catching him, Lanka has till now got arms from pak,russia. Considering tamil sentiments, it is good that India has remained neutral.
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 05:27 AM Permalink
Yes similarly to Eelam Tamils Rajiv Ghandhi was a traitor and a back stabber who betrayed the native Eelam Tamils to gain favour with the Sinhalas. He listened to many upper class anti Tamils in Delhi and everything ended in disaster with the Sinhalas having the last laugh.We should let the world court at Brussels decide and punnish the IPKF for their crimes against innocent Tamil Civilians. The Sri Lankan government and the Sinhala armed forces and for its genocidal activities against its Tamil citizens. India has not remained neutral,Indian Army has admitted to helping the Sinhla armed forces. Currently the Sri Lankan Maj Gen Fonseka is in India with a shopping list and is now being entertained there by the Indian armed forces and the ruling elite. Not many people here realise that the 2002 ceacsefire was actually brokered by the them BJP government.India kept a very low profile and let teh Norwegians take the limelight and credit. The Norwegians were actually reporting to the then BJP government. This Indian involvement was such a secret that only Pirabakaran and Wickremesinghe were aware of it. When the BJP fell and teh Congress government was re elected in 2004 Mr Dixit only knew about the Indian involvement through Ranil Wickremesinghe. Teh CFA signed in 2002 was unilaterally withdrwn in 2008 by the SriLankan govt. The chronology of events implicate the Congress establishment and the ego war of the Machivellis of New Delhi in belligerency returning to Sri Lanka.
RE:RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 05:29 AM Permalink
Many of the same actors who activley took part and advised in the 1987 Ipkf disaster are there and are playing an important role in Delhi.
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:24 PM Permalink
Had Prabhakar disturbed you or ur family. He is fighting a freedom struggle in SL ,if u don't know then shut your gob....
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:26 PM Permalink
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language. Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals. Regards ELango
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by siva kumar on Mar 10, 2008 05:45 AM Permalink
It has always been a problem to make north Indians understand the Srilankan problem. Their only cry is that Prabhakaran killed Rajiv. But why he did so and and what are the backgrounds these people dont know. These fools become mute when you ask them how do you tolerate a Sikh as PM when one sick killed the then PM and mother of Rajiv. They think the sympothisers of Srilankan Tamils are unpatriotic because Rajive was killed by LTTE but what about sardarjis?
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by amrit singh on Mar 10, 2008 06:24 AM Permalink
What the heck.......whats your problem buddy...I am a Sikh...Did we do anything wrong with. I don't know why you people always pull Sikhs in ALL arguments. I am not in favor of Sikh people who tried to make a separate Sikh country, but now i ask you: if you guys have that much problem from Sikhs, why dint you allow them to make a separate country. You people always keep cracking poor jokes involving Sikhs. all SICK mentality....
I just don't bother all this, but I don't know why your wordings made me angry.......... Anyways
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 06:29 AM Permalink
Kewl down Amrit Singh he was not cracking a joke against Sikhs or having a go against them . He was just highlighting the double standards of many North Indian Hindus. Thehave one rule for people whom they perceive as one of them and another ofr others escpecially Tamilians.
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by VIP on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM Permalink
RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by Kailash upadhyay on Mar 10, 2008 01:16 PM Permalink
Abe gadhe - We are talking about prabha karna and not all tamil , your logic is totally baseless , we will not accept killer of Indira as PM same as Rajiv but we can accept tamil as PM or accpeted as precident..understand now
ltte destroys mandirs in sri lanka, but would never touch a church. ltte is a missionary army, suported by foreign missionary establishments. prabhakaran is not a hindu.
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 11:33 PM Permalink
What about if we are against genocide of tmail hindus there? Should we not support that either?
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 12:17 AM Permalink
buddhist sinhalas are not against hindu tamils. however, if the hindus must fight for the wrongs, real or perceived, they don't need missionary support. see how they are fighting in malaysia against the worst tyrant: islam. missionary ltte help is as relevant to their rights as taliban or al quaida help would be.
RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 12:24 AM Permalink
so aerial bombing of tamils is the right approach. The malaysian are not idiots. I am not sure they are not going to start a war, that will in the end destroy malaysia itself. Guys who are you fooling? Do not expect us to give you weapon to continue your genocide? But do expect us to be really fedup watching genocide of hindus or tamil terrorist as you called them.
RE:RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 12:43 AM Permalink
the hindu tamils can regroup and figure out a peace deal with sri lanka majority using rss help. it is a losing proposition to be mixed up with missionaries and waging a war of terror. i notice you fail to mention missionaries destructive role. are you a missionary sympathizer? are you a hindu?
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 02:10 AM Permalink
ok, now that we got that settled, although you danced around it remarkably, the way forward is not thr' ltte. involve rss into this.
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by snpost on Mar 10, 2008 12:51 AM Permalink
yes i am hindu- that why i am concerned about genocide of my fellow hindus. i was too young raise my voice during the genocide of kashmiri pandits as a community. why is sighalese commiting genocide on a hindu population?
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:35 PM Permalink
Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language. Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals. Regards ELango
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by ramabhadranS on Mar 10, 2008 03:48 PM Permalink
Mr elango,If you know what Brahminism says,you will not write what you have written. You are like LKG child who knows only the alphabet and behaving as he knows everything. If the Brahmin is born in TN then his mother tounge is tamil and same as for other states.But it is in TN that anti brahmins feelings are high. It is nothing but on a fear psychosis that brahmins with their high intellectuality grow higher and higher.I pity you.Please Do not look for subsidies (such as reservation, backward caste allowances etc)thrown by the Govt but try to climb with your brain and knowledge.Do away with the caste system and try to win your place by merit.DO NOT SPLIT INDIA with HINDU or ANTIHINDU.Do not take religion too much into your head. if you are educated, you will know what religion is and who created it.Recently I saw in TV news that in a village in TN, a section of hindus, in the name of God, drank the blood of Goats and cocreals. Is this what Hinduism teaches?
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:21 PM Permalink
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language. Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals. Regards ELango
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 05:55 AM Permalink
Dont be silly. Around 80% of the Sri Lankan Tamils are Hindus and the rest Chritians. The LTTe has not destroyed any Hindu temple or a Christian church. They were destroyed by the Sri Lankan army and by the IPKF too for your information.Pirabakaran is not a Christian but a devout Saivite Hindu and even if was a Christian it wil not matter to us and Iam a Hindu Tamil. The west and the Christian missionaries do not support the LTTE. You must be reading some racist Sinhala Buddhist propaganda. If missionaries are supporting the LTTE why is the USA and some powerful western countires so pro Sri Lankan govt . Especially the current right wing Bush regime. However now things are changing in Britain and Europe many Wesern European nations are now becoming increasingly alarmed at the events taking place in Sri Lanka and have starting to speak out. Even Hilary Clinton's and Barak Obama's perception of the SriLankan conflct is different from the Bush regime. The LTTE is made up of Hindu and Christian Tamils in the proportion of its population that is aroudn 80% Hindu and 20% Christian. It is fighting for the rights of all Tamils. Many Tamil Hindu Brahmin priests also support the Tamil cause in Srilaka and not just the Tamil Christian clergy.For the LTTE to have become so successful amongst the native Tamils,is because of the vast support amongst the largely Tamil Hindu masses and not just the support of the largely upper and middle Tamil Christian classes.
RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 06:16 AM Permalink
In SriLanka HIndu and Chritian Tamil families are related by blood. They intermarry and even arrange marriages amongst each other along caste lines. MOst upper and middle class families have HIndu and Christian branches within thoer family group and it is even common to find siblings within the same family practising Hinduism or Christianity. Thi sis the same amongst the Sinhalses too. Many Sinhala Budhist and Christian families ae inter related and marry amongst themselves along caste lines too. Mahinda Rajappakse's wife is a Christian. Ranil Wickremesinghe is a Buddhist but his fatther brother and paternal uncles are/were devout Chritians.SWrD Bandarnaike was born into an aritocratic Sinhala Christian family he ecame a Buddhist much later. Presiden JR Jayawrdene is a Buddhist but hails from a Christian family. Evem many members of Mrs Bandaranaike's aritocratic noble Kandyan Radala/Naike family are devout Christians. In Sri Lanka the ethnic identity is very strong compard to the religious identity. Despeite Christianity bridging all ethnic divisions. The Sinhala nd Tamil Christian very rarely will identiyfy with each other but genrally will view each other with mutual distrust and suspicion. They stronly identitfy themsleves with thoer Sinhala Buddhist or Tamil Hindu brothers and sisters. It is only the 7% Tamil Muslim population whcih largely migratd from South India a fee hundred years ago that use their religion as their main identity and not their language or origins
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Pradip Parekh on Mar 10, 2008 08:18 AM Permalink
the good tamil brahmans are leaving the area in droves, and i can see why. can't believe tamil hindus would show animosity to hindu tamil brahmans, but now i see why: they are mixed up with kirastanis. the fact remains missionaries are controlling ltte reins. tamil hindus should make a clean break from missionaries around them. varnashankar praja can not enjoy peace.
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 09:24 AM Permalink
There ae 2 to three Million Tamil Brahmins living in Tamil Nadu and they are not levin gin droves. Must be in your dreams. MOst tamil Brahmins are very proud of their Tamil heritage. Currently many members of the Dravidian parties are Tamil Brahmins including Jeyalalitha. I admit the Dravidian parties in the 50.s and 60.s were anti Brahmin. However I think this phase has passed off. They have now realised that they were throwing the baby with the bath water. The Brahminical caste system shoul dhave been abolished but not the Tamil Brahmins. They are our fellow Tamilians. Now other than a few Dravidian die hards to moist Tamilians this is not an issue to them a Tamil Brahmin is is just another fellwo Tamil/ Even Karunanidhi has a Brahmin daughter in Law.The Sri lankan Tamil wwere nver antiBahmin or anti anything Th e natie Eelam Tamils are largely from teh upper and middle castes. The upper Vellalar caste is the predominant caste amongst them and aroudn 50% of teh native Sri Lankan tamils belong to this community. This caste is a very Brahmin friendly caste and is generally allied to them. The lower cstes amongst the Ntive Tamils are aorund 20 to 25% of the population and even thise epople are mow verywell educated and no one will darediscriminate them. The Tamil Brahmins amongstt eh Sri Lankan Tamils are few but are very well intergrated with the rest of the Tamil population. The dravidian thoery never took over here it was not needed here. Only teh Sinhalas were making
RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 09:40 AM Permalink
ue and cry about thoer Aryan ancestry. BUt this was and is a joke , as it was failry obvious to anyone other than themselves that they are of Dravidian ancestry. They may be speaking an Indic language, ( infact SInhlas is the curent oldest spoken living Indic language) . this is due ot the introduction of Buddhism and teh Buddaha Dhamma was mainly written in Sanskrit and Pali and the arrival of a few thousand Prakrit speakin immigratns fromm North India . Thes e Immifrant men too Pandyan Tamil women as thoer wives. Other than this thoer language food habbits dances customs looksa dn body language indicate a Tamil orogin and a close relationship with southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM Permalink
Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language. Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals. Regards ELango
RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by juniorhorlicks on Mar 10, 2008 01:22 PM Permalink
RE:RE:hindu tamils should not support ltte
by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:38 PM Permalink
Media is a own religion by itself. The day after Indira killed , Media even justified the killings of Sikhs. You have to write where you have people to read and respond.
why dont arabs reoccupy Israel? Millions of Jews were living in in Israel in 1940 not from bible history. UN not JEWS divided the country between arab and JEWS. ARABS REJECTED IT AND WENT TO WAR and want the whole land n this is the problem. There is no right for arabs to say there should not be immigration into JEWISH part of land since its mandated by UN based on population of JEWS and arabs.
Dont go to bibilical history and say 5000 yrs ago jews lived in jerusalem..The county called Israel was created oly in 1940s , at a time when palestines were living in that country expelled from their land to accomdate jews from israle and europe fleeing persecution.The palestines are weak and opperessed thats thy they are living as refugees in their own loand
RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by on Mar 09, 2008 09:23 PM Permalink
This is the 60th year of the state of Israel.
If in the 1880s (the start of Zionist settlement in what is now Israel) or in 1948 (the War of Independence) or even in 1967 (the Six-Day War) somebody had said that one day virtually the entire world, including all the Arab nations, would accept the existence of the State of Israel in 78 percent of the land of Israel, he would have been regarded as either idiotically optimistic or clinically insane.
RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by kamaal udd on Mar 09, 2008 10:08 PM Permalink
why do you guys want to bring muslims in all the discussion boards for no rhymes or reasons? This topic is about LTTE and Sri Lanka...if you guys have any comments on it, you are welcome, else go and do your work and stop wasting time and leave muslims and Islam alone.
RE:RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:37 PM Permalink
because they do not have any subject left to discuss
RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by Surya on Mar 09, 2008 09:37 PM Permalink
why dont arabs reoccupy Israel? Millions of Jews were living in in Israel in 1940 not from bible history. UN not JEWS divided the country between arab and JEWS. ARABS REJECTED IT AND WENT TO WAR and want the whole land n this is the problem. There is no right for arabs to say there should not be immigration into JEWISH part of land since its mandated by UN based on population of JEWS and arabs.
RE:@to United Hindu when was Israel created?
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 09:28 PM Permalink
Man- if you see squatters in your house - what will you do? The jews have accepted to share their house with the squatters, but the squatters argue that the house is their. You have to be fair here. Will you accomodate the squatters if it was your house.
Srilankann Navy and Airforce says that they have destroyed LTTE camps,etc.
Today Prabakaran has openly come out in public. What happened to Srilankan airforce?
It is clear that, srilankan's airforce target is not LTTE ,its innocent tamils. They are commiting genocide in the name of acting against terrorist. Its shame on sinhalese.
Today evey LTTE heads are present in Killinochi. Why cant srilanka use their airforce to assasinate all at one?.
It is not possible. If you are in military you would easily come to know the reason why Srilankans hasnt use its airforce now.
It is very simple, whereever ltte installations are present ltte has anti-air guns and missiles. Flying above LTTE installations are dangerours for srilanka .It is as good as commiting suicide while flying over tigers installation.
If you are in military, you will know that the guys who have media power can transmit false messages.Now SL army is spreading false news against ltte. If Srilankan war plane is shot, srilankans has to put their face down in front of media and after that media will never believe SL claims
This is funda.
LTTE is running a parallell govt in the vast tamil ellam territory. For their civil,military vehicles and for ltte naval boats how are they getting petrol and diesel.Dont tell it is smuggled.If they depend on smuggling they cant run a big navy better than srilankan navy.
If srilanka cracks this war is over. But it is not that easy.
RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by Rajeev on Mar 09, 2008 09:40 PM Permalink
Mr. UnitedHindu 1st change your name to TAMIL-LTTE. which way you say you guys consider Pro active Hindu:
* When karunanidhi trying to abuse Hindu gods, instead of oppsing him you guys supported him.
* When Jagatguru Sankaracharya was arrested on false and was being treat badly, you guys kept silt as if like you guys are not Hindu.
* On Ram setu again you guys are on karuna's side.
RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 09:50 PM Permalink
If you are gainst the genocide of the tamils- then what? Do you have to support LTTE to be against the genocide of an entire people? What has language, politics etc have to do with this? Are you actually suggesting an entire race need to be wipe out because of politics? You are really sick. Man - don't bring Ram into the genocide of people please.
RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by Arrow on Mar 09, 2008 10:02 PM Permalink
Idiot, the question is whether sinhala army is killing innocent tamilians and the fact is yes. Dont bring karunanidhi, tamil and all other things. If you have a problem with karunanidhi, thats an entirely different issue.
RE:RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by snpost on Mar 09, 2008 09:35 PM Permalink
Why are the sinhalese killing hindus, as per report in all newspaper? Is the genocide of hindus there false? Voicing concern about a genocide of fellow hindus on our southern borders is not hate. Killing Hindus because they are tamil- that is hate.
RE:Weakness of Srilankan army
by William Thomson on Mar 10, 2008 02:40 PM Permalink
SL army, airforce,navy would piss the moment they know they are getting ressistance from ltte
Srilankan govt has killed this parlimentarian who was elected by the people.
So what srilanka is trying to world is, that srilanka will not give freedom to tamils.
Srilanka is repeatedly saying LTTE is terrorist organisation, How come they can call ltte as terror organisation when they are protecting the tamil peoples of tamil ellam and giving better social life. In contrast srilankan govt is killing tamil peoples and making people suffer. Who is terrorist ? it is srilankan govt.
RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by ! on Mar 09, 2008 07:52 PM Permalink
dear..please dont compare Isralis with great tigers... isralies are occupants, they are not the owner of the land, palestians are owners ..its their land ..you dont have heart at all... poor palestians are staying in their home country as refugees same like tamils in srilanka... so please dont compare the bloody zionist... lets hope both tamils and palestinians get their home back
RE:RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by RamRam on Mar 09, 2008 08:02 PM Permalink
Your argument is hollow. Israeli's have as much right as the Pals do.
RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 08:10 PM Permalink
Dear Ram,
Palestenians doesnt have rights in israel as they are the occupiers of Jewish land.
Supporting palestenians are liking commiting suicide and giving up kashmir to the occupiers.
The guys who postes this message never knows history. Without knowing and repecting the history one cannot get freedom from the occupers. To get tamil ellam he should know the history first.
RE:RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 08:17 PM Permalink
If you support palestenians ,then it is as good as you supporting the occupiers sinhalese.
First learn the history and learn to respect the ancestoral land which our ancestors gave it to us. You are having a mad faith on ELLAM Freedom. Enhance your freedom faith thru history otherwise freedom cannot be achieved. You look foolish in palestenian issue.
Arabs captured israel and killed israelis and now israel has risen again .
If tamils in ellam has to rise again, take israel as an example. Now Tamil ellam peoples live across the globe.You peoples who r living across the globe has Learn and follow what israelis did living as refugee across the world.
Be intelligent like jews,you will achieve freedom in no matter of time.
Take Jews as an example.
Jews were slaughtered by arabs in their own country by invading arabs(the current palestenians). See how jews united and came backl and got back their land from arabs. Still many part of their jewish ancestoral lands are with arabs. Like how jews arised you tamil ellamites has to take back tamils ancestoral land from occupiers sinhalese.
Remember in israel history arabs are the occupiers and in ellam historu sinhalese are the occupiers.
Understand it. Tamil ellam peoples living in overseas can make this happen as jews refugees did.
RE:RE:RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by ! on Mar 09, 2008 09:14 PM Permalink
Palestians are not foreigners to their country..they were jews in ancient past and accept islam as their living concept..means a large portion of jews converted to islam..you cant show me a piece of history showing arabs entered and threw the jews away... the land was abrahams... and he was a prophet.... if this is the case (if u r talking on basis of religion) the whole arab land was of jews before prophat muhammed. can you say we have to give all the arab land to isralies... the fact is jews become minority when majority of their community turned out to be muslims (jews were arabs my dear frend)
after world war the scattered community of jews came bak and occupied palestian and they refuse the palestians their home... basically they are from same root and isralies become isralies by means of religions so as palestinians In case of ealam tamilians are land owner... and tamilian cant convert into sinhales... this you can compare with british in india.... 'understand' history... dont see only a 60 years back.. palestian has ancient history...
RE:RE:RE:RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by Surya on Mar 09, 2008 09:23 PM Permalink
! on
Palestinians are NOT jews... dont skew truth to suit arab muslim purpose you will even say moon dipping in sand ...jews never converted to Islam in mass never.. they even fought mohmed... he was so pissed with jews since they never accepted him as prophet...jews left israel after temple destruction but still there were a lot of jews in Israel at all times but were in minority to the arab occupiers of holy land. Dont bring in new twisted theories to suit your purpose.
RE:RE:RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by gurunathan sridharan on Mar 10, 2008 03:28 AM Permalink
prabhakaran must be handed over and hanged in India along with all his suuporters from India ...you guys know what i mean
RE:RE:RE:RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Mar 10, 2008 08:29 AM Permalink
Good I hope the Indian leaders responsible for the IPKF debacle and officers of the IPKF shld also be habded over to the Eelam Tamils to hanged for the death and rape of thousands of Eelam Tamils and teh destruction of their property. If the death of one moronice ex leader who was the cause of so much 0f misery to the Elam Tamils desrves all this. then the death and rape of thousands of Eelam Tamils deserves more justice. Raijiv Ghandhi may be god to you. But to me he and his many of anti Tamil advisers were the cause for thousands of my fellwo Tamilians to die and many lives ruined. These deaths also demand justice. The tax money paid up by millions of Tamilians in India was used to ruin the lives of thoer fellwo Tamilians in Sri Lanka. So back of yo Gurunathan Sridharan. What is good for the goose is good fo rthe gander too. All this brve talk of the Eelam Tamils desrve to die is becaouse yo Indiands have a habbit of trmpling people who are weak ( eg the Dalits Scheduled and backward castes and tribals) and then cringe towards peoople whom you think are strong like the white man. that is why all your Bollywood movie stars look like th Mughals whom you hate and write nasty comments. You think the Ealm Tamils are weak helpless without any government to stand up for their rights so want to trample on them . However I dont see these same remarks regaring Pakistan or China which has killed thousands of Indian soldiers in Kargill and eleswhere. As yo think they are strong.
RE:Tamil Ellamites are the owners and Owners of the land will win the war.
by UnitedHindu on Mar 09, 2008 08:07 PM Permalink
There is only historical proof for Jews and their ancestoral land of israel. Histor says Palestenian arabs occupied israel. Read it properly
Israel belongs to jews and arabs are the occupiers. Arabs settled there after the caliphets of islam conquered israel and destroyed israel ancient culture,religion.
But in srilanka, tamils belongs to the island and sinhalese occupied it.
There is a core difference in your statement.
Tigers are great like Israelis who fought for their lost land.
There is no poor or rich palestenians in israel as israel is not palestenian land. Palestenians has to back to Arab.
RE:So that's my reason I am supporting the tamil gainst geneocide.
by Manjula A on Mar 10, 2008 01:40 PM Permalink
LTTE has killed more Tamils than any other organisation did.