by elangkallanai kallanai on Mar 10, 2008 01:13 PM Brahamans and Vellalars are not friends. Saiva and Vaina war is truly a brahmin and Vellala war. Today all brahmin lobby in India is against LTTe and Tamil community.They will say all north Indians are good and Tamils are bad because they refuse to accept Hindi. Look at Subramaniam swamy, the CIA agent or Jayalalitha or Cho Ramasamy propagating that LTTE killed more Tamils than anyone else. We in Tamilnadu clearly understand the underlined message of Brhamins. I ask only a simple question to Brahmins. What is your mother tongue. Don't say Sanskrit. It was never a spoken language as per history. In fact, it was a clergy language. Try to understand that it is an ethinic war. Singhala army is supported by Indian government to curb the tamil voice in Tamilnadu and elsewhere. Tamil is a global community. It can handle the presure very well.Rest of India is threatened by the intellectual power and the political power of Dravidian communities here. They want to maintain the caste system by hook or crook. Hence, tamil is considered as Anti-hindu laguage and Tamils as Anti-Nationals. Regards ELango