Dont be silly. Around 80% of the Sri Lankan Tamils are Hindus and the rest Chritians. The LTTe has not destroyed any Hindu temple or a Christian church. They were destroyed by the Sri Lankan army and by the IPKF too for your information.Pirabakaran is not a Christian but a devout Saivite Hindu and even if was a Christian it wil not matter to us and Iam a Hindu Tamil. The west and the Christian missionaries do not support the LTTE. You must be reading some racist Sinhala Buddhist propaganda. If missionaries are supporting the LTTE why is the USA and some powerful western countires so pro Sri Lankan govt . Especially the current right wing Bush regime. However now things are changing in Britain and Europe many Wesern European nations are now becoming increasingly alarmed at the events taking place in Sri Lanka and have starting to speak out. Even Hilary Clinton's and Barak Obama's perception of the SriLankan conflct is different from the Bush regime. The LTTE is made up of Hindu and Christian Tamils in the proportion of its population that is aroudn 80% Hindu and 20% Christian. It is fighting for the rights of all Tamils. Many Tamil Hindu Brahmin priests also support the Tamil cause in Srilaka and not just the Tamil Christian clergy.For the LTTE to have become so successful amongst the native Tamils,is because of the vast support amongst the largely Tamil Hindu masses and not just the support of the largely upper and middle Tamil Christian classes.