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RE:Hand over prabhakaran to India
by Edwin Navaratnam on Mar 10, 2008 05:27 AM

Yes similarly to Eelam Tamils Rajiv Ghandhi was a traitor and a back stabber who betrayed the native Eelam Tamils to gain favour with the Sinhalas. He listened to many upper class anti Tamils in Delhi and everything ended in disaster with the Sinhalas having the last laugh.We should let the world court at Brussels decide and punnish the IPKF for their crimes against innocent Tamil Civilians. The Sri Lankan government and the Sinhala armed forces and for its genocidal activities against its Tamil citizens. India has not remained neutral,Indian Army has admitted to helping the Sinhla armed forces. Currently the Sri Lankan Maj Gen Fonseka is in India with a shopping list and is now being entertained there by the Indian armed forces and the ruling elite. Not many people here realise that the 2002 ceacsefire was actually brokered by the them BJP government.India kept a very low profile and let teh Norwegians take the limelight and credit. The Norwegians were actually reporting to the then BJP government. This Indian involvement was such a secret that only Pirabakaran and Wickremesinghe were aware of it. When the BJP fell and teh Congress government was re elected in 2004 Mr Dixit only knew about the Indian involvement through Ranil Wickremesinghe. Teh CFA signed in 2002 was unilaterally withdrwn in 2008 by the SriLankan govt. The chronology of events implicate the Congress establishment and the ego war of the Machivellis of New Delhi in belligerency returning to Sri Lanka.

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