No one of this word undermine the power of LTTE,their fight aganist govt.forces for the causes of Tamils.All over world tamils have simpathyfor LTTE.THEY WILL FIGHT BACK SOON.
Re: I salute the LTTE caders for their fight aganist SLgovt force
by navinchandra SHAH on Feb 21, 2009 12:30 PM Permalink
This cong govt can talk only.These people can talk about ,against hindus only.They can never talk like US,as such he talked about tamil civilians.It seems that these are against in india behind the wall
LTTE did not help Indian where they could have. LTTE was really strong in many aspects like intelligence. Did LTTE ever helped passing the secret info about the ISLAMIC terrorist attacks? answer is no. so many attacks on Hindu temple and LTTE had the info about that but they did not help Hindus, they just kept themself too busy in fighting with srilankan army and taking help from Islamic Terrorists.
by prasad dp on Feb 03, 2009 03:23 PM Permalink
its very necessary to solve their own problem first.How many times we talked about their welfare
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 10:04 AM Permalink
But, how you are so sure, that LTTE had info about the islamic terrorist attacks? I'm clueless. I guess, their intelligence is around sri lanka. I'm not really sure, whether they have any idea about the islamic terrorists.
Tell me a country, which won its independence in a non-violence movement other than india. Non-violence is tried movement in sri lanka. Diliphan was dead in the hunger strike. Lots of gandhian efforts were made. Only after that, they turned to weapons. If you accept the kosovo's independence, why don't you accept the eelam's independence? And repeatedly i'm saying, eelam is in india's interest, but srilanka is not in india's interest. Why can't you guys, understand that sri lanka, pulled india's legs at every possible instance... Man, i just tell you... let the tamils be killed and made extinct in srilanka. And for sure sri lanka, will be a jehad base for pakistan like bangaladesh and myanmar. India is fast losing its support from nepal... Tell me, which neighboring country is in india's favor? I can't see one. And we have so many betrayers as our neighbors. LTTEs could have made plenty of money and arms in assiting paki terrorist to sneak into our territory. But, they didn't do it... but sri lanka will do it, for sure it will do, when there is no help of india required in wiping out tamils..... go morons go.. and keep patronising lankans... and you will pay for that....
RE:you will pay for it....
by Rajeev on Mar 11, 2008 07:09 AM Permalink
Yes every country's independence movement saw violence, but LTTE here just killing the innocent people. Initially LTTE's main goal was Tamil's benefit, but later LTTE become more like terrorist organization with many of the brutal terrorist attacks.
I think the best way for peace in Srilanka would be to involve India actively in peace talk and both of the part *Sri Lanka & LTTE) must agree what India tells. But for some reason LTTE is not agreeing so srilanka also says no.
as far as relation with neighboring country is concerned for India, the actual problem is the Indian leaders they don't have any vision they are too busy making money and grabbing power, where is the time for them to think about country.
RE:you will pay for it....
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 10:49 AM Permalink
Rajeev(Rajiv wud b a better spelling ...just for ur views!!)..INDIAN establishment..esp. CONGRESS always supports SINHALA GOVT. then how will LTTE cooperate with india?. and WHY SHUD INDIA interfere in "other" country's matter?.. India interfered in BANGLADESH just becas of BENGALI lobby....the TAMIL LOBBY in delhi is DEAD AGAINST its not good to take TAMILS IN CENTRAL GOVT. into confidence...and in media we have TAMIL TRAITORS like "THE HINDU" N.RAM...(receipient of SRILANKA RATNA)...Cho.RAMASAMY..etc etc...There are VERY FEW good TAMIL BRAHMINS A.P.Venkateswaran... Unlesss Pro-TAMIL lobby gets power in delhi...we cant expect JUST SOLUTION for EELAM TAMILS from india
RE:you will pay for it....
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 10:57 AM Permalink
Don't even call Ram as hindu. He is an anti-hindu and anti-india. You can find, in most of his articles, he used to praise commies. He is running a left wing newspaper. He betrayed india once. I stil remember, when there around 200 bangaldeshi's tried enter india, they were get caught. And he wrote, in his paper as "Bengali speaking muslims were captured by army". Did you got what he mean? He says, they are indians branded by the army as bangaladeshis. Coward bugger. Given right treatment from jj. Though i hate her. She gave the right treatment to this fellow.
RE:you will pay for it....
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 10:12 AM Permalink
Just tell me the case, you are going to assist srilanka in destroying tamils. And srilanka, finds pakis as their common friends. And they start helping pakis to sneak terrorists to come into our country. Then you don't have a support in sri lanka. And for 200% sri lanka will do it. Because, they never supported india in international arena. That is the history. And history tend to repeat. What you do then?
It is not right to glorify any person in such a manner. No one can clap with a single hand..Both ltte and sla are equally responsible for this war. LTTE attacks lankan defences all over the place then when they attack back they are labeled as genocide causers.and the reason for this collateral damage is LTTE is not a regular army. they are hit and run guriellas, who fire then hide back in population. If your demands are genuined then stop this violence, talk peacefully, the world will listen, will sympathize and will be with you. Now dont label me a sri lankan, I am an Indian and will always remain an Indian.
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 11, 2008 03:02 AM Permalink
There is a difference. LTTE doesn't not bomb or attack civilians. For example, when last time they bombed the katunayke airport, they bombed only the military establishment. And left the civlian part. If they bombed at the civilian part of the airport, then the disaster might be more. But, the sla is bombing on civilians. It bombed a school and killed 60 children, and said, it "suspected" LTTE cadres might be residing in the school. And they say, the war will continue, till the LTTEs are erased. And finally they say, it is hard to distinguish between the civilans and LTTE. My friend, they are taking excuse in the name of killing LTTE. Hope you understand our plight. Had anytime, indian army bombed the schools in kashmir, quoting the jehadi's might hiding in the school? No right, if the army did, do we civilans celebrate it? They are celeberating the killings of innocent children. Aren't they eligible for a independence? And, if you think an independent srilanka is in india's interest, then we are just fooling ourselves.
by True Indian on Mar 11, 2008 03:39 AM Permalink
Not too sure if LTTE never killed civilians. However, for sure they are man enough to fight the army and not like coward jehadis who only target innocent civilians in the name of their religion. Also, you should not compare Indian govt with Sri Lankan. Indian gov.t is bound by its silly sikular principles and lacks courage which US and Israel has to crush these jehadis
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 10:53 AM Permalink
good velu..we need to create awareness on crooked policy of india towards EELAM TAMILS among our fellow indians..Compare how INDIAN govt handled BANGLADESH issue..Thats the power of BENGALI lobby...look at our Tamil (who dont think they r tamils) lobby.. Lets be sure about ONE THING..EVEN IF CONGRESS GIVES 100CRORES to me IAM NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR CONGRESS and its allies..
I heard from many of you that LTTE was lying and against peace etc.
Now see a nation and government kills its own elected MPs. We live in a democratic nation. So you will understand how it will look if government of India targets and kills its own MPs and MLAs.
Recent achievements of Lankan government.
- Killing the Tamil Selvan who was a representative in a scheduled peace talk with Lankan government.
- Killing an elected MPs of its parliament.
If Tamils fighting for their right are terrorists, then the greatest leader of India our beloved Netaji is a terrorist and INA a terrorist organization.
My salutes to you 'Mahavir' Prabhakaran. You are the tiger and you are the lion.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Rajeev on Mar 10, 2008 11:49 PM Permalink
It is not right to glorify any person in such a manner. No one can clap with a single hand..Both ltte and sla are equally responsible for this war. LTTE attacks lankan defences all over the place then when they attack back they are labeled as genocide causers.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Rajeev on Mar 11, 2008 12:00 AM Permalink
and the reason for this collateral damage is LTTE is not a regular army. they are hit and run guriellas, who fire then hide back in population. If your demands are genuined then stop this violence, talk peacefully, the world will listen, will sympathize and will be with you. Now dont label me a sri lankan, I am an Indian and will always remain an Indian.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Sivaprasad on Mar 11, 2008 12:32 AM Permalink
peacefully???? hahahhah..only idiots will negotiate when they are down and under. LTTE knows better.They will negotiate when they have the upper hand.Wont be long.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Rajeev on Mar 11, 2008 12:35 AM Permalink
do you seriously think they will have an upper hand. I dont think so.. These things are cyclic. Once ltte will be up, other moment sla will be up. So may be another 50 years of anarchy. Please .. we really dont want another congo besides India.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 10:57 AM Permalink
hit and run cases??...then WHY OUR BRAVE INDIAN ARMY TOOK 3 (1000 DAYS!!) to weaken LTTE??...2000 SOLDIRES DIED ..nealy 1500 CRORERS SPENT... FREEDOM CANNOT COME AS GIFT dude.....that GANDHI "got" independence thru PEACEFUL means is mere CONGRESS PROPAGANDA....ever wondered how MOST countries got independence from 1945-1955??
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by mpls on Mar 11, 2008 12:06 AM Permalink
But LTTE never attacked innocent people they always attack the army.If lTTE decided to attack local people then they can't really hide anywhere.Tigers can penerate anywhere.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Rajeev on Mar 11, 2008 12:10 AM Permalink
understood..But for sri lankan army, LTTE is a diffsuive foe. The tiger may be firing at one time.. 2 hours later he may be doing some shopping in civvies.. A regular army does not do this. Point is that in order to neutralize him, they need to go into market place. Its a harsh and sad reality but this is what may be happening. In the case of IPKF, ltte men used to fire from hospitals, from behind woman and children..I mean these are not the places from where normal armies attack.Hope you got my point.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Arrow on Mar 10, 2008 11:52 PM Permalink
Ananth, I sympathise with srilankan tamils, but dont agree with anyone taking weapons in their hands. Killing people is not the solution & I cannot pardon prabhakaran for killing rajiv. They shouldnt have dont something like that.
RE:RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by mpls on Mar 11, 2008 12:07 AM Permalink
If you feel for Rajiv then you should feel for Sikhs who were killed/Massacred by COngress
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Arrow on Mar 11, 2008 12:12 AM Permalink
Who said sikhs getting massacred is right. thats also crime. Point is nobody has the right to kill another FELLOW HUMAN BEING. Its the duty of the law enforcement and judiciary. I hope I got the message clear.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by ananth K on Mar 11, 2008 12:37 AM Permalink
I too disagree LTTE killed Rajiv or anyone. I too do not agree with them in killing innocent Sinhalese civilians. LTTE already accepted that killing Rajiv was their greatest mistake and they already suffered enough for that. Both India and Eelam Tamils should move forward.
I pray god that Sinhalese and Tamils live peacefully in that beautiful Island.
But while respecting your views, I disagree that taking weapon is not a solution.
If they haven't taken weapons, Lankan tamils will be in India like Kashmiri Hindus.
They are not fighting against a occupier like England to do sathyagraha.
RE:Lankan govt kills it elected MP
by Arrow on Mar 11, 2008 03:27 AM Permalink
Fair enuf. But they can stop with defence. Placing bombs and killing civilians is something I hate. Be that the SLA or LTTE.
Hey guys, This mohmmud, is an agent of srilanka. He is just jumping into the divide and rule in india in the name of a muslim. The idea is, ultimately to bring muslims against the eelam cause, as they did the whole indians against of it. I know lot muslim friends supporting for the eelam cause. He is a sinhala agent. Just don't believe him.
News: "LTTE leader pays tribute to GoSL assassinated Sivanesan Tamil MP"
So What happened to those cowardy sinhala claims of "LTTE supremo hit twice from air", "SLAF Air dropping: LTTE leader injured exactly on his left arm and shoulder, 2000000 bodyguards killed" etc...
Prabaharan is fine as ever, looking like a Daring TIGER in the pics published all over in online and paper media.
Its self proved once again that SINHALAs ARE NO.1 LIERS, noising false because of their inabilities.
For last few months Media here were repeatedly reproducing Militarist GoSL supplied reports without checking the realities from other side.
Indian media to least hereafter should be careful in publishing Sinhala Claims and simultaneously should tell along what the opposite side (Tamil Rebels) express over the daily happenings and issues of Sri Lanka. DC like papers are fine example for that as of now.
RE:Sinhala Racists are No.1 Liers and Cowards by the Way
by arp on Mar 10, 2008 04:37 PM Permalink
For any cause who kills innocents are criminals hence LTTE also goes in same list.
RE:Sinhala Racists are No.1 Liers and Cowards by the Way
by Tera Baap on Mar 10, 2008 11:05 PM Permalink
kill all tamils we dont need blacks in and around india!
RE:RE:Sinhala Racists are No.1 Liers and Cowards by the Way
by mpls on Mar 11, 2008 12:10 AM Permalink
If you are a man then tell me your place we will show you how capable we r.Dump a**
RE:Sinhala Racists are No.1 Liers and Cowards by the Way
by mpls on Mar 11, 2008 12:09 AM Permalink
Sirlankan army killed Prabhakaran atleast 50 times.Now they are close to India becoz Situation in Pakistan is not good.Once Paki is back again they will move away from India.
People who support LTTE on this forum haven't met those guys in person. I know some Srilankan Tamils. Some of them may be really rather innocent and want to just make a living. But a good number of them are very dangerous. They do not like the peaceful kind oflife that is being lead in India. They are separatists and if let loose on India, will definitely do much damage to India too. They are very different fromt the Indian Tamils. They have a very violent of Tamil nationalism. Indian Tamils only love their language and culture. Not so with the sri lankan tamils. Beware of them. In fact, I have doubts whether those so sri lankan tamils are tamils really. The harmless guys in Malaysia are very different. They do need support but not the sri lankan tamils. I have reason to believe that some of the reach Tamils in sri lanka even discriminated against Simhalese labourers and exploited them.
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by hindu indian on Mar 10, 2008 04:04 PM Permalink
we indians support srilankans in the war of terror ....
bravo srilankans ...wipe out these terrorist insects ...wipe out the LTTE ...wipe out each and every tamilian who is asking for seperate tamil state ...we did the same with kashmiris who asked for seperate kashmir ........
we indians are always with you ....keep killing these insects .....wipe these dirty filthy bacteria from the face of earth ...
INDIA should help and support srilankan ...and send troops to wipe the LTTE in one week ...
RE:RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:00 AM Permalink
one week..? history man..MIGHTY INDIAN ARMY TOOK 3 years to weaken them...
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by Veluswamy kumaran on Mar 10, 2008 11:48 PM Permalink
you mentioned, the point that "We indians are with you". Did you ever realized, srilanka was never with india? It is always looking for the ways to pull the rugs for india?
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:03 AM Permalink
I think u read "THE HINDU" news paper daily....ppl who read this paper will talk ONLY like this...check it out N.RAM is a receipient of SRILANKA RATNA... IAM INDIAN TAMIL...I know SL tamils r dangerous...WHY? bcas they are BROUGHTUP in WAR its natural for them 2 b like general TAMIL RACE is peaceful...ask SL TAMILS who r born before 1970s..
RE:RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by yaaro on Mar 11, 2008 11:10 AM Permalink
ur name says it else can u talk>?..EELAM HINDUS and CHRISTIANS live like'll take another 50 years for u guys to learn the truth...lets see how long ur religion takes u man..!!!
RE:RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:34 PM Permalink
Eelam is hit by - State Terrorism Kashimir hit by - Cross Border Terrorism
Are you capable enough to understand it and you wantedly create mixups here???
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:09 PM Permalink
"Indian Tamils only love their language and culture. Not so with the sri lankan tamils. Beware of them."
"In fact, I have doubts whether those so sri lankan tamils are tamils really."
What a bluff????
1. Tamil as a language flourish more comparing to 'Tamil' in rest of the world. Tamil in Eelam poses more fine and pure native voucbularies comparably to other places.
But who are you to tell that and wat do you knwo over tamil to utter that??? Better know you and your root first.
2. The second one is clear Racism and Hatred towards Tamils.
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by hindu indian on Mar 10, 2008 04:17 PM Permalink
racism ?? that means india should welcome the seperation of kashmir mean the LeT,JeM and other terrorist organisations are freedome fighters as LTTE ...come on give me a break support your community people when they terrorise other country people ...where as you cry and abuse muslims who support the terrorists in kashmir ....
you tamilians are more racists and hate mongers ..
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by LION on Mar 10, 2008 04:27 PM Permalink
Community, religion or language is not bigger than Humanity.
The whole lot of support and helping hand here is because of 'Innocent people there suffer suppression from the extremist sinhala rulers'
You are Zero over the history of SL and mouth a lot. Sinhalas enacted as many rules sideling native Tamil starting from the day of independence. There were as many planned roits targeting innocent tamils from 1950s. Commissions setup by concecutive Govts had cleared accepted this and what are you here say a different story to all????
Read and give a proper reply. Dont rubbish junk replies pl.
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by Arrow on Mar 10, 2008 11:38 PM Permalink
Assho, what would you do if ur women are raped and your brothers beaten to death? dont tell me you will support the army that kills them. Before you point fingers at others as racist, question yourself - u also hate a bunch of people for they are tamilians. So you are a racist too and you dont have the rights to point fingers! Correct urself first.
RE:LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by mpls on Mar 10, 2008 11:13 PM Permalink
You Moron...LTTE was formed becoz of Blood shedding riot in 1983.Tamils were burnt,killed and raped.Don't compare Lanka with anything else.Better know the history or else shut your bloody mouth