Tell me a country, which won its independence in a non-violence movement other than india. Non-violence is tried movement in sri lanka. Diliphan was dead in the hunger strike. Lots of gandhian efforts were made. Only after that, they turned to weapons. If you accept the kosovo's independence, why don't you accept the eelam's independence? And repeatedly i'm saying, eelam is in india's interest, but srilanka is not in india's interest. Why can't you guys, understand that sri lanka, pulled india's legs at every possible instance... Man, i just tell you... let the tamils be killed and made extinct in srilanka. And for sure sri lanka, will be a jehad base for pakistan like bangaladesh and myanmar. India is fast losing its support from nepal... Tell me, which neighboring country is in india's favor? I can't see one. And we have so many betrayers as our neighbors. LTTEs could have made plenty of money and arms in assiting paki terrorist to sneak into our territory. But, they didn't do it... but sri lanka will do it, for sure it will do, when there is no help of india required in wiping out tamils..... go morons go.. and keep patronising lankans... and you will pay for that....