Rajeev(Rajiv wud b a better spelling ...just for ur views!!)..INDIAN establishment..esp. CONGRESS always supports SINHALA GOVT. then how will LTTE cooperate with india?. and WHY SHUD INDIA interfere in "other" country's matter?.. India interfered in BANGLADESH just becas of BENGALI lobby....the TAMIL LOBBY in delhi is DEAD AGAINST TAMILS...so its not good to take TAMILS IN CENTRAL GOVT. into confidence...and in media we have TAMIL TRAITORS like "THE HINDU" N.RAM...(receipient of SRILANKA RATNA)...Cho.RAMASAMY..etc etc...There are VERY FEW good TAMIL BRAHMINS ..like A.P.Venkateswaran... Unlesss Pro-TAMIL lobby gets power in delhi...we cant expect JUST SOLUTION for EELAM TAMILS from india