LTTE is a terrorist organisation.
by Manjula A on Mar 10, 2008 03:49 PM
People who support LTTE on this forum haven't met those guys in person. I know some Srilankan Tamils. Some of them may be really rather innocent and want to just make a living. But a good number of them are very dangerous. They do not like the peaceful kind oflife that is being lead in India. They are separatists and if let loose on India, will definitely do much damage to India too. They are very different fromt the Indian Tamils. They have a very violent of Tamil nationalism. Indian Tamils only love their language and culture. Not so with the sri lankan tamils. Beware of them. In fact, I have doubts whether those so sri lankan tamils are tamils really. The harmless guys in Malaysia are very different. They do need support but not the sri lankan tamils. I have reason to believe that some of the reach Tamils in sri lanka even discriminated against Simhalese labourers and exploited them.