Manmohan Has nno self respect. If he wants to quit why does not he quit. He MUST quit , he is not fit to be the Prime Minister of India because of lack of leadership qualities in him
RE:Manmohan is a Hypocrite
by sleeve richard on Jun 20, 2008 06:35 AM Permalink
Domestically MM SINGH has lost all credibility and everyone knows he is big stooge of Sonia.This quiting drama is to save his face in International scenario as he feels that even after he lose office here in India he has a another innings as a diplomat under the direction of George Bush.Now his current BOSS is Bush.
RE:Manmohan is a Hypocrite
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 06:38 AM Permalink
Is Bush his boss or is it Sonia ? can you make up your mind. you are saying conflicting things in one post.
RE:Manmohan is a Hypocrite
by Vinay Gupta on Jun 20, 2008 06:26 AM Permalink
at leat he should try to be a PM elect than a PM select! this quality only
RE:Manmohan is a Hypocrite
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 06:33 AM Permalink
election jeetne ke liye gundagardee chahiye .... apna PM isliye hamesha haar jaata hai!!
by manoo kaushal on Jun 20, 2008 05:58 AM Permalink
Gobar Gas is very viable option for India, and even Western countries are trying it .By using it we will not be dependant on USA and we will be self reliant.
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 06:15 AM Permalink
In reality biofuel is making a comeback and India it would be great help.
RE:Thise who write here in support of deal
by Cynic on Jun 20, 2008 06:03 AM Permalink
Now seriously, who pays for writing here? Direct us to one you know....we all want to make money !! :)
RE:Thise who write here in support of deal
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 06:23 AM Permalink
LOL ... there obviously wasn't a job ... you just made it up!
Otherwise, can you please find out from your friend who was offering him to write ... if he doesn't need money, we could use some!
Of all the politicos Manmohan Singh stands out as his own. He is a learned economist, RBI Governer, noted admistrator and a man of inspiring character serving as an example of the kind of people we need in politics to run our country.
I just despise all the major politicians, they may be flashy, good orators and cunning but they are dishonest to the core irrespective of the party they belong to. All parties are full of equally loathsome characters including most of past prime ministers.
I believe in Dr.Manmohan Singh, to be a man of integrity and ethics.
I wish we as a country stood behind men like these. He has the credentials and personality to believe that he is acting in the best interest of India.
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 05:42 AM Permalink
Ramu kaka in my village is also trustworthy but it does not mean a thing. Manmohan has been less than honest in this whole wheeling dealing. He refuses to make public the file related to final draft. why? Moreover learned people do not behave like a servant of Sonia. I think his clean image is a farce. Without Narsimha Rao's cover, he would not have even carried out any reforms.
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Malamaalweekly on Jun 20, 2008 06:01 AM Permalink
Well said, Sameer. Manmohan is not better than any other politician like Lalu. Why Manmohan did not resign last year over nuclear deal? He did not do it because he wanted to enjoy power little bit more. Now he wants to resign because he knows that he has only few more months and then elections have to be called in? Manmohan is shameless person who after occupying the most powerful position always served only as a 'yes man' to Sonia Gandhi.
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Loan Shark on Jun 20, 2008 06:35 AM Permalink
actually Lalu is a great guy ... he has fixed railways!!
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Jayesh Ullattil on Jun 20, 2008 06:02 AM Permalink
forget ramu kaka. who in the world is you? not a great example i should say. manmohan singh might not have gone ahead with reforms had it not been under the cover of narasimharao agreed. so you agree to the fact that the reforms were a good thing after all. here again he might not go ahead with the nuclear deal without support and thats the reason he is asking for it. He has been the RBI governer , finance minsiter, Prime minister. Now what more could be his ambition. At his level he would surely understand he does something right for the country he will be remembered for ages and if not he will be scorned and spat at. dont you think there would be some weight in what he is saying. especially with crude at these levels and our bio fuel situation is quite pathetic doesnt it take drastic steps to counter the energy crisis. What better technology than nuclear to counter the gap for the time being till we build our capabilities on other alternate energy sources / conversions. On one side we oppose price hikes of conventional fuel on the other hand we do not agree to look at nuclear energy. I do agree there are long term bads for the nuclear energy but can it be looked at in the light of the current situation. If that be the case isnt it only right we go ahead with the deal which gives us more leeway in terms of procurement of nuclear fuel from different sources and also access to better technology from the more advanced nuclear nations. whats the flip side?
RE:Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 06:06 AM Permalink
Show me how is nuclear nergy cheaper/safer/does not come with political liabilities.
1. Americans are smart people 2. It is expensive 3. US has no uranium- gets uranium from Russia 4. Safety- both terrorist attacks and natural calamities like earth quake 5. Other alternatives available 6. Nightmare to dispose Radioactive waste products 7. requires huge amount of water to cool 8. Nuclear power plants have limited life span. Dismantling them is even more difficult than installation. 8. USA thinks ahaead- India is always behind the curve.
RE:USA giving up nuclear energy why?
by vidurbda on Jun 20, 2008 06:04 AM Permalink's fine what you are saying but what the alternatives and do you think if that would have been aviable, we never tried them??? It is only you know the technology and way to achieve the alternatives
RE:USA giving up nuclear energy why?
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 07:08 AM Permalink
You have a computer. Google search 'alternative energy', danger and cost of nuclear energy. You will then never support nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is anti-human.
It is a welcome move to keep the left parties at check.His outburst is an outcome of any patriotic citizen . The left parties donot want this deal to go through as it is against their master interests ( China).Only in India we tolerate such traitors . When people like Kalam sab, says that the deal is a must for addressing country's energy needs. What qualm other parties have to dispute? BJP 's stand is also unfortunate.Instead of rallying behind the PM they atre fishing in the troubled waters.When the fuel cost is spiralling so high that we have left with no other option except to accept this deal.MR Singh is a man of high principles.It is a pity that we are losing the services of aman with high integrity and honesty. Despite his conscious on many issues like removal of Venugopal etc ,he was tolerating them because of coalition dharma.A situation of envitablity has crept in for him forcing him to quit.It is really very unfortunate as the strength of honest men in politics are dwindling every day.Raj
Why are they so blind in their behavior. We need energy independence from foreign Oil, and Nuclear energy will help in this direction as well as other Advanced technologies from the Western countries.
The communists should note the kind of opposition that people are getting to their stand in the public. They looks like donot care anything for public opinion.
Look at Communist CHINA. It is doing full fledged business with USA and the west, inspite of differences in their ideals with west. But, how come our communist hypocrites are against such kind of rappo with USA?
Is it not some kind of conspiracy from communists to keep India still under developed and fall before Communist CHINA? Sick communists. Though they have some good things in them, but they are not practical.
Chinese president even advised these indian communists to think practically, when he was objected by Indian communists as China was making many transactions with USA. By the way, if you are an educated and characterful person, then, you may involve with any one in the world and still retain your character and strength, and would not run away from dealing with the realities.
Only those who are weak and meek will run away from dealing with realities, just like our communists who want to hold to the power, by showing the USA as a daemon to the Indians.
for your FYI: in 2007, CHINA earned $120 billion by doing business with USA, which India earned this much this much with the whole world.
RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by Albert Adibadla on Jun 20, 2008 05:24 AM Permalink
RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by peter Ska on Jun 20, 2008 05:27 AM Permalink
Do u know how much percentage of total energy requirement in usa is met by nuclear energy?
If USA can do away with its energy need by N-power, then why they want a clout in middle east for oil. Because there are some limitations to N-power.
U fool: Reactor from USA and fuel to feed from other countries. What would u do, if NSG in future deny u fuel anymore and u've to pay money to a USA company under the contract to maintain the reactor. Just like feeding cow for no milk.
China do business by selling their goods to usa, but we bye from such comparison is baseless
RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by Albert Adibadla on Jun 20, 2008 05:30 AM Permalink
RE:Aren't Communists reading these message boards?
by Jairaj on Jun 20, 2008 06:48 AM Permalink
Let our respected PM get fuel for Tarapur..before bragging about the benifits of the proposed deal...This deal is the only way Madam and her chamchas can get commission before the next elections...
Count down to election begins and typical Congress political drama begins. PM will take moral stand and tell the country that he wanted to do good but leftists and BJP didnt let him do good. Congress will not recall 4 yrs, when they never bothered to consult BJP who were initiators of the dialogue, congress thought that they will hijack and take the credit for nuclear deal but they didnt know that leftist are smarter than them. For 4 yrs congress and left celebrated honeymoon, calling BJP out class, insane, politically illitrate, communal force and what not, never bothered to consider them one of the largest political party of parliament. Now the time has come where Congress realises that it has failed in every arena and people will judge them very soon. They have failed in economy, they failed in diplomacy, they failed in international politics and they failed to keep consensus among themselves. They survived 4 yrs just by abusing BJP and harping SICULARISM. But end result Dr. Singh realises that he failed in everything so he recalled Sonias bluff of last election, bluff of sacrificing. So Mr Singh is ready to sacrifice PM seat for Good KARMA and again he will harp he is pure its BJP which didnt let him do good job. Interesting times ahead see the rediff board people have already started playing in hands of congress they have already started calling BJP foul.
RE:Typical Congress Drama
by Albert Adibadla on Jun 20, 2008 05:25 AM Permalink