It is a welcome move to keep the left parties at check.His outburst is an outcome of any patriotic citizen . The left parties donot want this deal to go through as it is against their master interests ( China).Only in India we tolerate such traitors . When people like Kalam sab, says that the deal is a must for addressing country's energy needs. What qualm other parties have to dispute? BJP 's stand is also unfortunate.Instead of rallying behind the PM they atre fishing in the troubled waters.When the fuel cost is spiralling so high that we have left with no other option except to accept this deal.MR Singh is a man of high principles.It is a pity that we are losing the services of aman with high integrity and honesty. Despite his conscious on many issues like removal of Venugopal etc ,he was tolerating them because of coalition dharma.A situation of envitablity has crept in for him forcing him to quit.It is really very unfortunate as the strength of honest men in politics are dwindling every day.Raj