Count down to election begins and typical Congress political drama begins. PM will take moral stand and tell the country that he wanted to do good but leftists and BJP didnt let him do good. Congress will not recall 4 yrs, when they never bothered to consult BJP who were initiators of the dialogue, congress thought that they will hijack and take the credit for nuclear deal but they didnt know that leftist are smarter than them. For 4 yrs congress and left celebrated honeymoon, calling BJP out class, insane, politically illitrate, communal force and what not, never bothered to consider them one of the largest political party of parliament. Now the time has come where Congress realises that it has failed in every arena and people will judge them very soon. They have failed in economy, they failed in diplomacy, they failed in international politics and they failed to keep consensus among themselves. They survived 4 yrs just by abusing BJP and harping SICULARISM. But end result Dr. Singh realises that he failed in everything so he recalled Sonias bluff of last election, bluff of sacrificing. So Mr Singh is ready to sacrifice PM seat for Good KARMA and again he will harp he is pure its BJP which didnt let him do good job. Interesting times ahead see the rediff board people have already started playing in hands of congress they have already started calling BJP foul.