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Manmohan Singh looks like a decent, trustworthy man.........
by Arjun bharatiya on Jun 20, 2008 05:37 AM

Of all the politicos Manmohan Singh stands out as his own. He is a learned economist, RBI Governer, noted admistrator and a man of inspiring character serving as an example of the kind of people we need in politics to run our country.

I just despise all the major politicians, they may be flashy, good orators and cunning but they are dishonest to the core irrespective of the party they belong to. All parties are full of equally loathsome characters including most of past prime ministers.

I believe in Dr.Manmohan Singh, to be a man of integrity and ethics.

I wish we as a country stood behind men like these. He has the credentials and personality to believe that he is acting in the best interest of India.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal