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Non believer
by Rahul on Jun 20, 2008 08:20 AM  Permalink 

Remember after fighting for nuclear deal next day he said "It is not end of the world if deal is not signed". He is a cunning hyena and nothing else. Aam aadmi except the corrupt media knows that.

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Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Jun 20, 2008 08:18 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

He does what he is asked to by Sonia.

Neither Congress can project MMS as future PM. Its loosing massive ground for infkation, price rise and surrender to Islamic terrorism.

So, whatever congress does- keep MMS, keep Left Happy, sack MMS, or disconnect from Left- CONGRESS IS GOING TO PAY A HEAVY PRICE IN THE FORTHCOMING ELECTION.

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RE:Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by Great Khali on Jun 20, 2008 08:28 AM  Permalink
Thathagatha, you are right about the political cost of inflation and price rise. MMS is a strategic thinker and we all praise the economic liberalisation due to which we have seen massive growth and investments in infrastructure. True leaders are ones who think long term. The nuclear deal is in India's interest and only a real leader can take up such risk. Inflation in India is far better compared to other nations, even Western countries. The only problem is that we do not have a solid social benefit system that can step in during such times.
As citizens, we also have our responsibilities to be prudent in our lifestyle habits and stop demanding that the Government meet our whims and fancies like cheap fuel, cheap food articles, and subsidise everything.
I can understand that it is difficult to win an election purely on the nuclear issue because people in the villages don't understand the impact of such deals. But at the same time, we cannot lose respect for MMS or back away from him on this one.

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RE:Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by Tathagata Mukherjee on Jun 20, 2008 08:34 AM  Permalink

Credit for liberalization goes to PV Narshima Rao, because as a PM he gave political cover to MMS, his FM.

Now, even though MMS is PM of India, he could not do any liberalization, as Sonia is NOT giving him political cover.


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RE:RE:Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by Great Khali on Jun 20, 2008 09:05 AM  Permalink
The current government has tactfully balanced continued growth in a liberalised economy and social schemes. If they were to completely control the economy, then you would surely feel the difference. Items that we now consider basic amenities would have been taxed higher to discourage spending and control inflation. Be grateful that private enterpreneurs can continue to operate without excessive government control.

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RE:Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by Great Khali on Jun 20, 2008 08:59 AM  Permalink
We sure don't want political nobodys. We only need a good leader. PM Singh may not be politically adept. Some examples of political somebodys are Bal Thackeray, Jayalalitha, Deve Gowda, Mayawati, Mulayam Singh, Karunakaran, and so many like them. Now choose whether you prefer one of them as PM or Dr. Manmohan Singhji. He took up the challenge and has been fairly successful. Inflation and price rise is something that the government can only control to some extent.

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RE:Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by V S on Jun 20, 2008 08:32 AM  Permalink
what can PM do when his party is full of sycophants and power hungry leeches ?

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by rahul singh on Jun 20, 2008 08:24 AM  Permalink
oye, can this omni potent god create a stone so heavy that he himself cannot lift?

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by kasak on Jun 20, 2008 08:17 AM  Permalink
who is this GOD

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Rahul Bawa's new Dad: Honest Manmohan
by Manish Gupta on Jun 20, 2008 08:13 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This idiot Singh was made PM by some of the intellegent person.
Now they utilised him fully, during his tenure most of the time he is busy thinking how to save himself from everything which hes has not done, but some other done in his name. Like looting of public money worth Rs. 300000 Crore under the table, shared between Sonia & Left.

Now he is worried & want something as scapegoat & want to show it as sacrifice to make his image better e.g. nuclear deal

But Nuclear deal is better to have at our terms not at others term

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Who is the PM?
by M R on Jun 20, 2008 08:10 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am very much confused like many other Indians.

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RE:Who is the PM?
by Manish Gupta on Jun 20, 2008 08:14 AM  Permalink
Simple, Daddy of Rahul Bawa. Not the Boforse one, Nuclear Deal one

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IAEA - Dr. Singh's offer to resign
by Shivakumar on Jun 20, 2008 08:05 AM  Permalink 

Dr. Singh is right in telling that he would resign, certainly not for the IAEA pact, but because he realized the fact "How long he could be a remote controled PM". Even yesterdays bachcha started dictating terms with him. How sad for a PM to take orders from these immatured politicians. It make no sense for him to continute in office as long as he doesn't have a free hand. Unfortunately, we don't have anyone in Congress who got the guts to flout the orders, whether good or bad, issued by its power-house to take that most coveted post of PM. Under such circumstances, In my opinion, Lalu would be a best bet. He can turn the table even at the international level, KHAIKE PAN BANARASWALA - HAN....

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This is the heights of playing with Indian's emotions
by Mdhusudhan BS on Jun 20, 2008 08:04 AM  Permalink 

MMS, is stuck at playing with sentiments of poor Indians. If he quits, can he fulfil the 60,000 cores of loan waiver which he promised over next 3 years ?

He is running away with the Inflation and rising commodity prices, coupled with decrease in growth.

he wants to get out of office before he is officially declared "OUT"

the early he quits it is better to India.

MMS, come on please resign. You are not fit for anything

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Its not only nuclear power
by pramod paul on Jun 20, 2008 08:01 AM  Permalink 

This treaty is necessary not only for power but also that USA sanctions would be lifted and India would get to deal with various countries in terms of nuclear business.

Our media is manned by illiterate journalists who have not been able to clear air about it until now. These trigger happy channels are always interested in creating controversy out of anything, and always look for giving chance of publicity and survival to opposition.

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open society and its enemies : karl popper
by rahul singh on Jun 20, 2008 07:58 AM  Permalink 

commies did not participate in the national movement cause they wanted to change our colonial masters. they wanted a commie colony in india. russia was not going to risk confronting germany and britain at the same time. chinese like the russians were busy in killing and maiming their own at the time so instruction couldnt arrive for desi leftist. and probably the manuel didnot tell what to do in such situations. taking a decision on their own is not a capability encouraged in the commie setup. no wonder indian commies have not produced a single contributer to communist thought of international stature though we are flooded with a large number of india bashing types. as far as islamists and communists are concerned one is a viper and other a cobra. in iran commies upped the ante against the shah and adherent of religion of peace butchered them as soon as the shah quite iran. IN RUSSIA WHERE ONE FIFTH POPULATION IS FOLOWERS OF RELIGION OF PEACE, A UNIQUE METHOD HAS BEEN EVOLVED BY THE ERSTWHILE COMMIES TO COUNTER THE LOWLIFES (KNOWN AS FIDAYEEN IN RELIGION OF PEACE). ONCE A PEACEFUL SUICIDE BOMBER IS CAUGHT HE IS FED WITH PORK AND IF SLAUGHTERED, THEN PORK IS STUFFED IN HIS BELLY AND BODY EMBALMED WITH OIL OF PIG FAT. THIS ENSURES NO ENTRY AT FROLICK GARDENS WITH SEVENTY TWO NUBILE NYMPHS. NOW IMAGINE ONE IS GETTING READY TO FLUSH HIS LOW LIFE DOWN THE POT, AND SUDDENLY NO ACCESS TO HOLY BROTHELS AND PERMANENT DEPARTURE FROM TAKING THE LOAD OFF IN 9 YR. OLD BOYS AND GRLS AND G

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For Loan shark
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 07:50 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Longtime nuclear commentator Walter C. Patterson noted in 2006 that “Those suffering from nuclear amnesia
have forgotten why nuclear power faded from the energy scene in the first place, how many times it has failed to
deliver, how often it has disappointed its most determined advocates, how extravagantly it has squandered unparalleled,
unstinting support from taxpayers around the world, leaving them with burdens that may last for millennia.”
His thorough demolition of today’s generally recycled nuclear arguments is at bbb.waltpatterson.o.r.g.

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RE:For Loan shark
by vyas cm on Jun 20, 2008 08:13 AM  Permalink
I respond collectively to all negative mails on this.

We are in a situation of very high oil prices. So your references are outdated. The prices of oil will only go up making power generation, energy (electrical as well as fossil based energy) and fuel costs higher.

Everyone gives a standard advice 'someone must' do 'something' about 'such and such' problem. But nobody has a clear idea about what is required or needed. Even Ministers and so called Gurus speak like this, as if we, the public at large, didn't know.

If someone has a better solutio, voice it for God's sake. Don't just pontificate, don't just give opinions and quotes, get on with it decisively.

PM, I am with you. Trash the Commies. Let political compulsion take a back seat for once. DMK may be on anti incumbancy and so may be some other allies. But, PM, if you take this stand, you may just be able to turn the tide against Congress' popularity in favour of Governance, Decisiveness and that is necessary for the Country. C'mon PM.

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RE:For Loan shark
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 08:16 AM  Permalink
Did you even care to read my link?

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RE:RE:For Loan shark
by ouch on Jun 20, 2008 08:24 AM  Permalink
Just google James P Lovelock and nuclear power, you will get all to know why nuclear power is a must

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RE:RE:For Loan shark
by Sameer on Jun 20, 2008 08:21 AM  Permalink
One article is from May 2008. How can it be outdated?

If oil prices have gone up so has uranium. Uranium went upto 130 dollar a pound from $6. Now it has settled at $60 per lb.

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RE:RE:RE:For Loan shark
by ouch on Jun 20, 2008 08:26 AM  Permalink
OIL has a side effect of C02 leading to climate change. Nuclear power has diffrent side-effects. However C02 is more important now because we are irreversibly screwing up earth, nuclear waste dispoal can wait. C02 is more potents than nuclear waste. And why be dependent on a single source for fuels Arabs, we should diversify

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RE:For Loan shark
by ouch on Jun 20, 2008 08:03 AM  Permalink
in the past OIL was abundant, so there was no need of nuclear power plants considering its risks. But times have changed. OIL has reached a phenomenon called as PEAK OIL where production will start decreasing shortly. Considering PEAK OIL Phenomenon and considering climate change where most of the CO2 is released due to burning of OIL and Coal, nuclear energy is a viable alternative in the short-term or the medium-term, before we really switch to renewable sources of energy even more fully. All sources of energy have drawbacks even renewable sources but you should consider the context and the position the country is in.

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RE:For Loan shark
by peter Ska on Jun 20, 2008 08:25 AM  Permalink

Yes, there is the need for an alternative energy source and India is way behind thinking about it. But few points:

1. What percentage of total energy consumption in USA is met by N-power --it cant be more than 10-15%. Why its so less. If USA can do away with its energy need by N-power, then why they want a clout in middle east for oil. Because there are some limitations to N-power.

2. The framework of our N-deal is two prong and hence flawed. Somebody will give u cow, someone else will give grass to feed it, then only u can drink milk.

Reactor from USA and fuel to feed from other countries. What would u do, if NSG in future deny u fuel anymore and u've to pay money to a USA company under the contract to run the reactor.

3. Our scientists never thought how to enrich the large Thorium reserve in our country. or never tried to overcome the technical difficulties..

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RE:For Loan shark
by peter Ska on Jun 20, 2008 08:01 AM  Permalink

In addition to that, there is another crazy idea is gripping scientific intelligentsia, thats Cold Fusion. Its like creating energy by fusing atoms (not breaking)- a process same as that occurring in the Sun....

Hell of ideas to fool the world and create energy insecurity to such an extent that they will benefit from doing a business, just as N-deal with India.

Im sure there are two new areas of business is shaping up:

1. Energy- pumping hell of energy insecurity in ur mind. Creating artificial oil deficit and destabilizing the oil market.

2. Environment, carbon credit etc- based on blown out global warming concept

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