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IAEA - Dr. Singh's offer to resign
by Shivakumar on Jun 20, 2008 08:05 AM

Dr. Singh is right in telling that he would resign, certainly not for the IAEA pact, but because he realized the fact "How long he could be a remote controled PM". Even yesterdays bachcha started dictating terms with him. How sad for a PM to take orders from these immatured politicians. It make no sense for him to continute in office as long as he doesn't have a free hand. Unfortunately, we don't have anyone in Congress who got the guts to flout the orders, whether good or bad, issued by its power-house to take that most coveted post of PM. Under such circumstances, In my opinion, Lalu would be a best bet. He can turn the table even at the international level, KHAIKE PAN BANARASWALA - HAN....

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal