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RE:Everybody understands this PM is political nobody
by Great Khali on Jun 20, 2008 08:28 AM

Thathagatha, you are right about the political cost of inflation and price rise. MMS is a strategic thinker and we all praise the economic liberalisation due to which we have seen massive growth and investments in infrastructure. True leaders are ones who think long term. The nuclear deal is in India's interest and only a real leader can take up such risk. Inflation in India is far better compared to other nations, even Western countries. The only problem is that we do not have a solid social benefit system that can step in during such times.
As citizens, we also have our responsibilities to be prudent in our lifestyle habits and stop demanding that the Government meet our whims and fancies like cheap fuel, cheap food articles, and subsidise everything.
I can understand that it is difficult to win an election purely on the nuclear issue because people in the villages don't understand the impact of such deals. But at the same time, we cannot lose respect for MMS or back away from him on this one.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal