I respond collectively to all negative mails on this.
We are in a situation of very high oil prices. So your references are outdated. The prices of oil will only go up making power generation, energy (electrical as well as fossil based energy) and fuel costs higher.
Everyone gives a standard advice 'someone must' do 'something' about 'such and such' problem. But nobody has a clear idea about what is required or needed. Even Ministers and so called Gurus speak like this, as if we, the public at large, didn't know.
If someone has a better solutio, voice it for God's sake. Don't just pontificate, don't just give opinions and quotes, get on with it decisively.
PM, I am with you. Trash the Commies. Let political compulsion take a back seat for once. DMK may be on anti incumbancy and so may be some other allies. But, PM, if you take this stand, you may just be able to turn the tide against Congress' popularity in favour of Governance, Decisiveness and that is necessary for the Country. C'mon PM.