this news is on fm n-deal day1. can media come out with the news only when PM resigns or CPI withdraws support. fed up hearing this news day-in day-out.
by devdass on Jun 20, 2008 01:26 PM Permalink
It is one of the most important thing for the nation. Nothing wrong in giving more importance to that than some irrelevent happenings!
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:53 PM Permalink
china has signed 123 agreement with usa, and they have nuclear energy from bsg. they have broken the NPT and aupplied arms to pak. but chian doesnt want ndia to sign 123 so that india doesnt have energy. commies in india are sick.
when china attacked india in the 60s, commies in india celebrated. sick flastards!
I am sure PM is suffocated by the sycophants in congress,who are projecting Rahul as next PM. It is the last gamble by PM,so that he can ensure that the congress is reduced to minority & also can lose the nexr election. If you don't have floor strength than,why do you try beyond ur capacity??
BJP was in power butwith NSA Ram mandir was set aside . similarly,NDA has to follow the minimum agreed programme.Other wise it will be a mockery of democracy. let left put forward a no confidence motion,if tey are not power savy.
If the PM was very much interested to see the N-deal through taking into a/c its advantages, why has not he taken this step of threatening to resign much earlier. He wants to be PM for the entire term, but anyway his term his to expire and him becoming PM again is well nigh impossible, he takes an escapist route.
by charan singh on Jun 20, 2008 01:14 PM Permalink
You are stupid. You are questioning such a brilliant person because of whome we are in such a well economic position today.
And for your kind information he has threatened to resing earlier also and not once many times but this is your Sonia Gandhi who is stopping him. If he respectes Sonia Gandhi then we say that he is slave of her but ask some intelligent people on earth who has more reputation today and who is following whome.
You are a jerk and please kisi ka ehsaan to mano. At least he is the one who has brought this thing at this level.
if you have to say then say to those stupid, idiots, shit eaters Kolkataa people who have brought Left Parties into power.
by charan singh on Jun 20, 2008 01:14 PM Permalink
You are stupid. You are questioning such a brilliant person because of whome we are in such a well economic position today.
And for your kind information he has threatened to resing earlier also and not once many times but this is your Sonia Gandhi who is stopping him. If he respectes Sonia Gandhi then we say that he is slave of her but ask some intelligent people on earth who has more reputation today and who is following whome.
You are a jerk and please kisi ka ehsaan to mano. At least he is the one who has brought this thing at this level.
if you have to say then say to those stupid, idiots, shit eaters Kolkataa people who have brought Left Parties into power.
Dr. Manmohan Singh has been running the Government more or less successfully and efficiently amidst of the pulls and pressures created by the Left Parties, in particular the CPI(M) who extend crucial outside support to the UPA Government at the centre. It has been historically seen that whenever something new is introduced in this country the Communists blindly oppose the same. When Late Rajiv Gandhi wanted to spread the use of Computer and Computer education, there was resistence from them, but now the State Governments headed by the same party are inviting entrepreneurs of I.T. and allied industries to invest in respective States. Same is the case of signing nuclear agreement with the U.S. Any literate person will say that nuclear fuel is essential to solve the country's energy problem but the Karats and Yechuris of CPI(M) are putting hurdles not out of love for the people of this country but for the sake of welfare of the Chinese people. Dr. Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister of this country has tolerated the Leftists tactics so far but now the time has come to take a firm decision as to whether the Chair of Prime Minister or the interest of the national is more important. Congratulations to Dr. Singh for your decision, though belated.
RE:Nuclear deal with the U.S.A.
by R Balasubramanian on Jun 20, 2008 01:23 PM Permalink
the cause of rape and other attrocities on women are ignited only from pornography videos being churned out maximum from Kerala state. This is from the statistics of reputed daily. Most of these are viewed by daily wagers and unemployed and students who derive sadistic pleasure and inturn tend to commit such crimes.
They put off the deal for as long as it took to stay in power. Now that General elections are around and with runaway inflation getting worse and still slated to worse, Congress thinks this is the right time to bow out claiming a moral highground and also avoid the public ire over continuing inflation. They know that things will get worse nd if BJP wins more seats in coming state elecctions, Political pressure by allies and rising inflation will kill them completely. The current Nuclear deal cannot be legalized by Bush administration now and if Obama wins, the non-proliferation lobby will get more teeth to call it off. The damage is done. Jingoistic posturing now is more an attempt to divert public attention from inflation and washing one's hands off the responsibility in a face saver to minimize damage that they will suffer the next general elections. Last time he challenged Left on the nuclear deal he backed down shamelessly and continued in power for a eyar saying one had to deal with Life's dissappointments. I don't think this puppet yet ahs the guts to resign and even if he does. It is too late. The deal is as agood as dead. Congress stayed one more year in power and as a result and with increasing BJP rise, inflation and allies presure, is only likely to do more bad with every passingd ay leading to the next Lok Sabha elections. It's a case now of Deal or nod eal in political survival.
RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Vishy on Jun 20, 2008 01:10 PM Permalink
SPOT ON. Congress will now try to put the whole blame of messy economic situation and other failures on left and will try to claim moral highground.
RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Prasenjit Guha on Jun 20, 2008 01:28 PM Permalink
Do you have a sloution to reduce international oil oprice and thereby inflation. Every body is talking bullshit and putting blame on the govt.Had BJP or left or any other party been in power the result would have been same.We Indians do a lot of gossip ,spend time on fault finding of others. We cannot give good suggestions / solutions. Nuclear deal is a must for us. Dr Singh is understanding what left will understsnd after few years and will say it their third historical blunder. BJP has to oppose for its existence even though it mentally knows that Dr Singh is correct. We will all understand the importance of Nuclear deal but only after wasting some precious time. Till then we do what we are famous for " CRITICISE WITHOUT SOLUTIONS".
RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Vikas Bhatt on Jun 20, 2008 02:43 PM Permalink
I do. Fiest stop states from taking Sales tax on oil as high as 28%. Stop taking existing excessive amount of taxes on oil by way of Duties, Cuts, Sales tax, VAT, Service tax, cess etc right from import of crude oil to finished oil which is taking the price of Rs 22 per liter of imported oil in India to Rs 52 per liter. Next charge more for fuel for private vehicles and increase all the above mentioned taxes on private vehicles, increase public transport, encourage less use of vehicles, increase food production and stop diverting so much farmlands to make SEZs. Invest more in generating Solar Energy along with nuclear fuel as well since nuclear fuel is very expensive and unaffordable in long run. Even some of these emasures will serve a long way in making us come arouynd to the current bad fiscals.
RE:RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Vikas Bhatt on Jun 20, 2008 02:44 PM Permalink
I do. First stop states from taking Sales tax on oil as high as 28%. Stop taking existing excessive amount of taxes on oil by way of Duties, Cuts, Sales tax, VAT, Service tax, cess etc right from import of crude oil to finished oil which is taking the price of Rs 22 per liter of imported oil in India to Rs 52 per liter at both states and central level. Next charge more for fuel for private vehicles and increase all the above mentioned taxes on private vehicles, increase public transport, encourage less use of vehicles, increase food production and stop diverting so much farmlands to make SEZs. Invest more in generating Solar Energy along with nuclear fuel as well since nuclear fuel is very expensive and unaffordable in long run. Even some of these emasures will serve a long way in making us come arouynd to the current bad fiscals.
RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Prasenjit Guha on Jun 20, 2008 01:35 PM Permalink
You are still in the 19th century. Imperialism has been redidefined.It actually is no longer a fear for the Indians. You come out of 19th century and talk face to face with US which Dr singh is doing.
RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by charan singh on Jun 20, 2008 01:18 PM Permalink
Stupid to challenge inflation Dr. Manmohan Singh wants to bring Nuclear power into india. As there will be alternate resource available in the country for generation of power there will be less use of generators and ultimately will bring down the consumption of Diesel which will ultimately bring down the prices and transport cost which will have the impact on the inflation.
Just study the success stories of western countries and then comment.
Hats off to Dr. Manmohan Singh to take a firm decision as to whether the Chair of Prime Minister or the interest of the national is more important. Congratulations to Dr. Singh for your decision, though belated.
RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Srikanth on Jun 20, 2008 01:52 PM Permalink
Hi Charan,
I wonder the way you put your thoughts if someone try to blame on DR.MMS. We don't need any great economist cloud like MMS,PC and MSA if they are not changing the economy of farmers. You may be happy with economic figures and all as noone in rural bothers about that and they are only bother about their rotti only. Please tell me apart from clinching this n-deal,what is that this govt lead by MMS acheived which is good for the country. Have they tried to integrate the rivers or anything they did new which is going to do something to common man. Please note that mobile and roads have been connected by NDA and this has been started by this NDA only. MMS and PC are good for getting money out of service tax and other things and we don't want any person who is solving common man's problems. Don't talk like a fool and if you wear an hat of common man, go to any shop and get anything and you can find the price heat. If MMS is really genuine in this, he would have done it 1 year before as there is no change in the status quo from now and that is same. What is the leadership skills he is possessing. Please tell me like a great man that what is the great thing MMS achieved as PM apart from N-deal to common man. I am not subscribing to anyviews of Left or right but as a layman I want to ask you.
Dr. Manmohan Singh must go ahead on the nuc deal with US. It will prove to be a milestone in Development of India. With this deal, India will be able to concrete its place in the history. History forgets the resistances and notes the decisions only. India can sure edge over regional dangers like China and Pakistan and Bangladesh with this deal. India's long term energy concerns will be taken care by this nuc deal, which currently is well short of demand, and there is very slim hope of fulfiling if either with currently available resources. It will syrely become a bigger power and a Pole with going ahead with the deal. Kudos Dr. Manmohan Singhji. Dont bow down to these politicaly driven resistances. Go ahead.
RE:Go Ahd
by Nirmal Debnath on Jun 20, 2008 01:13 PM Permalink
Dear sir(PM), pls go ahead with the deal.Left will not suport coz they do not want india become a bigger power then china.already they destroy(kolkata) west bengal.Now they want to destroy india.
Let him resign gracefully. He has already done great difficulties for the Indian Public (not elite / industries, but the common public including the people who are living in poverty line, who are the major chunk of our population). He and his govt. only done works for the Industries, particularly multi national companies. He is doing nothing to give any progress to India and people are starving for overall developement, faciltiies, like roti, kapada, makan. Nuclear deal is a YET ANOTHER INSTRUMENT LIKE LIBERALISATION POLICIES HE ADOPTED which is creating havoc in the common man's life. There are no justice for poor people and common man. Corrutpion is everywhere, crimianals in white collar and in political levels are wandering and are living in such a lavish manner. Industrialists are taking profits and depositing to other foreign countries. Labours are working for more than 12 to 18 hours per day without any facilities and profits. Salaries are very low in organized and unorganized sectors except for the IT/GOVT/SOME PUBLIC LTD ORGANIZATIONS. He is unable to deliver good governace and he deserve immediate resignation and let him go to live in USA for the rest of his life. Yes of course, people who are getting profits and favors from USA and the policies his govt. is adopting may support him, but the people of India who are suffering will never support. See the inflation going on. Now, it crosses to two digits. How can you justify your rule as a rule for the people of India
These communists are mentaly corrupt. And always against the national interest. If communists are so keen then why do not they ask your chinese mentors to handover over our illegally occcupied land in Tibet. On these issues they never open their mouth.
RE:Mentally corrupt communist
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jun 20, 2008 01:02 PM Permalink
support Communist movement..It is going to make a global superpower like beijing china in their hour of need
RE:Mentally corrupt communist
by raj on Jun 20, 2008 02:42 PM Permalink
support china ? yeah right. jug suraiya was right in today's newspaper. in china they hang traitors. in india we allow commies who openly side with china against the interests of india!
RE:Mentally corrupt communist
by Akshay Kumar on Jun 20, 2008 01:07 PM Permalink
What about BJP opposing the deal ??? They r also mentally corrupt ????
RE:Mentally corrupt communist
by All Right on Jun 20, 2008 01:18 PM Permalink
No they are in opposition...
I hope you know the meaning of the word. Anyway if the government actually has the majority it claims it has, then how does it matter whether BJP supports or opposes the deal?
Say it supports the deal, and Congress goes ahead, but Left pulls out the support to government, do you suppose BJP will vote FOR Congress when it comes to no-confidence motion?... Do you think they are mad? Whatever do you require the opposition party for, in the Parliament? Then let us all admit that this is a coalition government between BJP and Congress, and let the Left take the role of opposition...
MMS seems to be an introvert and sensitive person...he would rather resign than fighting it out with Karat...Sonia wouldnt let MMS resign now...Left might pull out of UPA-Left coordination committee and provide outside support because except NDA, no one wants a snap poll........
These communists are mentaly corrupt. And always against the national interest. If communists are so keen then why do not they ask your chinese mentors to handover over our illegally occcupied land in Tibet. On these issues they never open their mouth.