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RE:RE:Clever stunt by Singh and Sonia.....
by Vikas Bhatt on Jun 20, 2008 02:44 PM

I do. First stop states from taking Sales tax on oil as high as 28%. Stop taking existing excessive amount of taxes on oil by way of Duties, Cuts, Sales tax, VAT, Service tax, cess etc right from import of crude oil to finished oil which is taking the price of Rs 22 per liter of imported oil in India to Rs 52 per liter at both states and central level. Next charge more for fuel for private vehicles and increase all the above mentioned taxes on private vehicles, increase public transport, encourage less use of vehicles, increase food production and stop diverting so much farmlands to make SEZs. Invest more in generating Solar Energy along with nuclear fuel as well since nuclear fuel is very expensive and unaffordable in long run. Even some of these emasures will serve a long way in making us come arouynd to the current bad fiscals.

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