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Nuclear deal with the U.S.A.
by NARAYAN KURUP on Jun 20, 2008 01:05 PM

Dr. Manmohan Singh has been running the Government more or less successfully and efficiently amidst of the pulls and pressures created by the Left Parties, in particular the CPI(M) who extend crucial outside support to the UPA Government at the centre. It has been historically seen that whenever something new is introduced in this country the Communists blindly oppose the same. When Late Rajiv Gandhi wanted to spread the use of Computer and Computer education, there was resistence from them, but now the State Governments headed by the same party are inviting entrepreneurs of I.T. and allied industries to invest in respective States. Same is the case of signing nuclear agreement with the U.S. Any literate person will say that nuclear fuel is essential to solve the country's energy problem but the Karats and Yechuris of CPI(M) are putting hurdles not out of love for the people of this country but for the sake of welfare of the Chinese people. Dr. Manmohan Singh as Prime Minister of this country has tolerated the Leftists tactics so far but now the time has come to take a firm decision as to whether the Chair of Prime Minister or the interest of the national is more important. Congratulations to Dr. Singh for your decision, though belated.

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal