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by wani bhardwaj on Jun 20, 2008 01:01 PM

Let him resign gracefully. He has already done great difficulties for the Indian Public (not elite / industries, but the common public including the people who are living in poverty line, who are the major chunk of our population). He and his govt. only done works for the Industries, particularly multi national companies. He is doing nothing to give any progress to India and people are starving for overall developement, faciltiies, like roti, kapada, makan. Nuclear deal is a YET ANOTHER INSTRUMENT LIKE LIBERALISATION POLICIES HE ADOPTED which is creating havoc in the common man's life. There are no justice for poor people and common man. Corrutpion is everywhere, crimianals in white collar and in political levels are wandering and are living in such a lavish manner. Industrialists are taking profits and depositing to other foreign countries. Labours are working for more than 12 to 18 hours per day without any facilities and profits. Salaries are very low in organized and unorganized sectors except for the IT/GOVT/SOME PUBLIC LTD ORGANIZATIONS. He is unable to deliver good governace and he deserve immediate resignation and let him go to live in USA for the rest of his life. Yes of course, people who are getting profits and favors from USA and the policies his govt. is adopting may support him, but the people of India who are suffering will never support. See the inflation going on. Now, it crosses to two digits. How can you justify your rule as a rule for the people of India

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Prime minister may resign over n-deal