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Mr.Reporter - Did you check the article?
by Surya Potharaju on Apr 17, 2008 11:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

am sending my good wishes on behalf of people of China and wish the Beijing [Images] games end successfully," Milkha Singh told rediff.com

Milka Singh wishing on behalf of the people of "China" ...... you've got to be kidding.

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RE:Mr.Reporter - Did you check the article?
by Loan Shark on Apr 18, 2008 04:21 AM  Permalink
sahee pakaDa ... LOL .... abhee maloom naheen kee galtee sardar ne kee yaa phir rediff ke reporter ne.

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how to raise money to repair roads in india.
by tech on Apr 17, 2008 11:46 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Just personalise automobile number plates. govt this way can raise thousands of crores of rupees - enough for the govt to affort world class roads throughout india.

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RE:how to raise money to repair roads in india.
by PP Y on Apr 18, 2008 06:48 AM  Permalink
all hindus are eunuchs.....btw in arabic word hindu means"thief"......LOL

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by cuzo on Apr 17, 2008 11:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies



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by Demo-crazy on Apr 18, 2008 12:05 AM  Permalink
It will definitely happen.

Tibetans will achieve their rightful place as an independent nation.

The Chinese rulers will bite the dust one day. Wait for a Chinese Gorbachev to come to power.

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by Rocky Marciano on Apr 18, 2008 06:20 AM  Permalink
Hindu hitler is working wonders with jayalalitha.Now it is the turn of Chienese Gorbachev.lol

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by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 06:56 AM  Permalink
I wish that should happen soon. Let the Lord give them strength to achieve that soon. World is going to rally behind the Tibetans

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by Ramesh Iyer on Apr 18, 2008 06:58 AM  Permalink
In Tamil arabi mean " Arai pee"- Half stool"

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How will Indians react to the rise of a new political party ?
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 17, 2008 11:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

This is not the same as the old ones which have no national perspective and international outlook.

Its fundamental characteristics are:

a)Based on Nationalism of Blood and Soil
We are all Indians ! The Blood that runs in our veins and the soil that supports us are one and the same and shall be venerated.

b)No Minority Appeasement or minority Baiting.
Secular but equal.
Diwali will be a National and Secular Festival with fireworks and Light Shows.

History of India will not be whitewashed.

c)Vociferously ANTI-MARXIST and Anti-Maoist. We intend to purge Marxists from every state institution using force.
Which means Communist Parties are banned from India for ever and so also Regional Parties.
We insist that parties at the center have a broad National outlook. At the most allow 2-3 parties at the center

d)Believes in Meritocracy and transparency of Civic and State institutions and efficient e-governance at every level to be citizen-friendly and free of corruption

e)In foreign Policy: Projects India as a dominant power in the subcontinent and regards
All of South Asia as an Indian Sphere.
Non tolerant of intrusion by other powers here
and will enhance the military capabilities of India through indigenous R&D as well as military shopping.
Believes in an extremely powerful Indian army and Indian Airforce and Navy (The last two being the Largest in Asia )

e)Environmentally conscious and friendly.

Symbol: SHRIVATSA or endless knot.

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RE:How will Indians react to the rise of a new political party ?
by PP Y on Apr 18, 2008 06:50 AM  Permalink
ABE SAALE...all hindus are eunuchs.....btw in arabic word hindu means"thief"......LOL HARAMKHOR PANDIT

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India shivers before China ...
by Get Educated on Apr 17, 2008 11:35 PM  Permalink 

Hey Mahendra .. I dont know who you are .. but you have done great research and yes all that you have said is 100 % true. Nehru did not anticipate a war and did not even increase military spendings, inspite of warnings by intelligence for a possible war, what was too ridiculous was that, china had already constructed a highway in the disputed Aksai chin area between Tibet and Xinjiang and Indian government did not even know it. Nehru's govt realized the road construction only when communist party leader Moa humiliated Nehru by saying the Aksin Chin still belongs to India. Kaul was a brainless man, in a higly mountainous terrain like Arunachal pradesh, he allowed the chinese troops to occupy the mountain peaks/ high terrain with ease and he was fighting them from deep down valley. Absolutely lack of military acumen. No doubt we lost 3500 men while china lost only 1400 (not due to Indian army, but bcos of freezing cold at high altitude).

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Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 17, 2008 11:24 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If the communists take control this is what will happen.

a)They destroyed Hindu institutions and Religion and persecuted Hindus
I did not speak up because I did not care

b)Then they came for Buddhists, Sikhs, Christians and Muslims in that order and banned religion.

b)They came for the capitalists and Big Business
and proceeded to destroy them.
I did not speak up because I was not a capitalist. Rather I welcomed the fact.

c)They muzzled the free-press and stuffed all institutions with party members.
I did not protest.

d)They invited intellectual criticism and all those who came forward criticized the party were branded as Rightists and shot.

d)They banned all other political parties and started Labor Camps.
I did not protest.

e)They gave India's Northern states and Ladakh to the enemy. I was dumbfounded.

e)My wife died in the famine their policies caused.

f)They took my daughter away for re-education.
after she protested against their policies.

I have not seen her since.

Now my eyes are never dry and my mind is never at peace.

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RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by ALBERT on Apr 17, 2008 11:41 PM  Permalink
Its better to know the history of Tibet first.
Its better to know the history of Tibet under lama rule
Before commenting on Tibet issue, please dont be biased with anti communist sentiments, think about India's interests and CIA's involvements.

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RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 18, 2008 12:20 AM  Permalink

Why do you want chinese to be the "GOOD RULERS"
not persecute anybody.
Tibetans would have been happier if they were like Bhutan is today !!!


This exposes communists as rabid anti-nationals wanting chinese to barge into every Indian sphere of Influence and dominating them.


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RE:RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by ALBERT on Apr 17, 2008 11:43 PM  Permalink
The Tibet Autonomous Region, covering one-eighth of China's territory with a population of 2.8 million, has developed rapidly in recent years. Here are a group of key facts and figures about Tibet:

Economy: The economy of Tibet has been growing at an annual rate of 12 percent or more over the past seven years. In 2007, the region's gross domestic product (GDP) was 34.2 billion yuan (about4.88 billion U.S. dollars), which was 12,000 yuan per capita -- double the 2002 figure. The per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen posted double-digit growth for a fifth consecutive year and reached 2,788 yuan in 2007.

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RE:RE:RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by ALBERT on Apr 17, 2008 11:44 PM  Permalink
The facts show the Dalai Lama and his backers have been ruining Tibet in the name of religion and human rights, an article in yesterday's Guangming Daily newspaper claimed.

Its Tibetan author, Basang Wangdui, is a researcher with the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences.

The Dalai Lama and his supporters, representatives of the feudal serf owners of old Tibet, have never done anything good for the Tibetan people in the past 50 years, he said.

In the late 1950s, the group attempted to split Tibet from the motherland with an armed rebellion, and after being foiled and fleeing abroad, perpetuated a decade-long military conflict in border areas, he said.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by ALBERT on Apr 17, 2008 11:49 PM  Permalink
Right from the imperial age, Tibet has been a part of China... Mao's Red army liberated Tibet from The feudal theocratic government, lead by the Dalai Clique... In 1959, the Seperatists, who were funded, inspired and trained by CIA(Camp Hale, the famous CIA operation) tried to destroy China from within... A senior Lama named Pagbalha Soinam Gyamco, who worked with the PRC as a member of the Preparatory Committee of the Tibetan Autonomous Region was killed and his body was dragged in front of the crowd for 2 kilometers... Even CIA has admitted that the failure of the 1959 'uprising' was due to lack of support for the Dalai clique in Tibet, and the tremendous support the CPC and the PLA had in TAR...

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RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by Demo-crazy on Apr 18, 2008 12:01 AM  Permalink
If you read communist China literature, you will be able to justify anything they do in Tibet.

Do you justify the Tiananmen square killings also?

Chinese rulers are dictators, hell bent on building an empire - they have successfully gobbled up Tibet, are after Taiwan, continue to prop up North Korea, Burmese dictators. Why?

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RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by Vishnu Sharma on Apr 18, 2008 12:31 AM  Permalink

Tomorrow scum like you will justify chinese rule in India.

The communists are resentful of the fact that
since 60 years of independent India they could not form a government a foment a revolution.

This basic chinese sycophancy is a new ploy.

There is a story of the horse and the deer.
The horse was extremely jealous of the deer and there fore he completely surrendered his freedom to man the hunter in order that the deer be killed by the man riding him.

The communists are doing the same.
They wan to destroy Indian independence with chinese help.

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RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by PP Y on Apr 18, 2008 06:51 AM  Permalink
all hindus are eunuchs.....btw in arabic word hindu means"thief"......LOL

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Abe china se panga kyun leta hai appna ghar sambhal pehle
by Ismail on Apr 17, 2008 11:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Abe dushman ghar mein hai usse nibto

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RE:Abe china se panga kyun leta hai appna ghar sambhal pehle
by PP Y on Apr 18, 2008 06:51 AM  Permalink
all hindus are eunuchs.....btw in arabic word hindu means"thief"......LOL

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by ALBERT on Apr 17, 2008 10:35 PM  Permalink 

Unless this challenge is unitedly combated, unless the communal frenzy is challenged with an equal vigour, the very future of India for whose freedom thousands have been martyred is at stake. All patriots, who have not sold their conscience to the enemies of our country, realising these dangers, will have to forge strong unity in action against this communal monster.

To those who underestimate the dangers of the present situation we can only remind them of what a German intellectual Pastor Neimoeller had said at the time of Nazi ascendancy:

First they came for the jews and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists then I did not speak out- Because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Catholic.

Then they came for me -and there was no one left to speak out for me.

To those who consider that these developments do not affect their life and future we can only recall to them the wisdom that has filtered down through the ages. For evil to succeed, the good has only to be silent. Passivity in meeting this challenge can only mean peril for the individual and the country.

All patriots will have to rise to the Occasion and defend India and its democratic-secular ethos.

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Tibet Tourch
by Surendra Borkar on Apr 17, 2008 10:14 PM  Permalink 

The summer madness of Union Govt. is not allowing the people in participation of tourch, I have seen only police was attending the function, whether I am in democratic country or elsewhere, why the Union Govt. is so afraid with China, when they have already illegally accupied Tibet and large part of India. I do not think there there was CPM pressure, whether CPM wanted to hang their neck before China Govt. They are talking about Kashmir, but Kashmir was part of India, and freedom enjoying by them is surely better than Tibet People, if the people, of beleiving on CPM, are will be able to think on the principle CPM, whether CPM wanted to give entire India in cluthes of China for just sake of CPM. CPM people became mad, they are not fit to stay in India. The Congress is also walking on same path and therefore Congress is going to loose even deposit of their Parliamenatary Election, which has been already started from UP. Why the Congress leadership is keeping mum on the issue of Tibet People problems. The Congress will get fitting reply of same, the People behind Rajiv Gandhi are in Parliament and holding Cabinet Minister post, When the Home Ministry will take action against the Corruption which started from South Block, no officer of Central Government follows the directives of HOME MINISTER, one of the most inactive minister in the history of India. The Union Government is run by killers of Rajiv Gandhi. The people of this country will not accept the policy


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Foolish Act
by jayant bhalla on Apr 17, 2008 08:25 PM  Permalink 

i think this the whole issue has been treated is really shameful. The government has not even thought even once the problems that the delhites are facing becaude of this torch. The have blocked all the areas in and around connaught place. The whole ridge lading to and fro from dhaula kuan was jammed in the evening. It took me 3 hrs to reach home in north campus. My friend are going towards gurgaon and its been more than 3 hrs when they started. And still after 3 nrs they are at Palam Airport as its all jammed. Dun know how long it would take them to reach gurgaon as relay torch has to reach airport and after that only traffic would be open. The govt talks a lot of thing to gather votes and this is what delhites are going thru. Wake up govt....... delhites do not want olympics on this cost.

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