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RE:RE:RE:Reply to ALBERT: Your Fears are unfounded !!
by ALBERT on Apr 17, 2008 11:44 PM

The facts show the Dalai Lama and his backers have been ruining Tibet in the name of religion and human rights, an article in yesterday's Guangming Daily newspaper claimed.

Its Tibetan author, Basang Wangdui, is a researcher with the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences.

The Dalai Lama and his supporters, representatives of the feudal serf owners of old Tibet, have never done anything good for the Tibetan people in the past 50 years, he said.

In the late 1950s, the group attempted to split Tibet from the motherland with an armed rebellion, and after being foiled and fleeing abroad, perpetuated a decade-long military conflict in border areas, he said.

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