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India shivers before China ...
by Get Educated on Apr 17, 2008 11:35 PM

Hey Mahendra .. I dont know who you are .. but you have done great research and yes all that you have said is 100 % true. Nehru did not anticipate a war and did not even increase military spendings, inspite of warnings by intelligence for a possible war, what was too ridiculous was that, china had already constructed a highway in the disputed Aksai chin area between Tibet and Xinjiang and Indian government did not even know it. Nehru's govt realized the road construction only when communist party leader Moa humiliated Nehru by saying the Aksin Chin still belongs to India. Kaul was a brainless man, in a higly mountainous terrain like Arunachal pradesh, he allowed the chinese troops to occupy the mountain peaks/ high terrain with ease and he was fighting them from deep down valley. Absolutely lack of military acumen. No doubt we lost 3500 men while china lost only 1400 (not due to Indian army, but bcos of freezing cold at high altitude).

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