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India must have reservations till 85% of all registered marriages are Inter-Caste.
by usa on May 23, 2008 03:51 PM  Permalink 

Till then,
You must Vote for candidates from your Caste only.
Do not care if he is Corrupt or Competent!

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Whats Creamy layer
by Vikas on Apr 21, 2008 01:31 PM  Permalink 

Creamy layer is defined as people who have income > 2.5 Lakhs per annum (except the income from agriculture).

Definitely there are huge number of people from OBC who have less income. The Creamy layer is excluded to give them opportunuty.

It seems that the rich OBC leaders and politicians (who belong to creamy layer) want to keep the reservations only for themselves and don't want to give it to the poor and needy among OBCs.

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Private Sector???
by Manjula A on Apr 17, 2008 01:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I read some messages below debating reservations in private sector jobs. I think that is stupid. It is really only the Government which is incapable of spotting talent and is driven by despots, resulting in gross incompetence due to lazy and incompetent people getting all the employment, consequently calling for making it straight by the dubious method of reservation. Make a survey and you will know, that in most of the private sector companies (barring exceptions of some south Indian Brahmin led companies), particularly, the MNCs, caste prejudice and incompetence in selection process does not exist, resulting in the fact that people of all castes and creeds get employment. Nepotism is what resulted in reservation. As long as there is no nepotism in private sector, reservation is also not needed.

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RE:Private Sector???
by Vikas on Apr 21, 2008 01:14 PM  Permalink

Reservations don't affect the productivity of public sector because there is no such thing as productivity in public sector.

Only private sector generates revenue.
Govt extracts tax from private sector and spends it on public sector.

If they bring Reservations in private sector, it will ruin the productivity and revenue, and Govt will get less tax.

So govt will not attempt reservations in private sector.

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RE:Private Sector???
by Manjula A on Apr 21, 2008 04:59 PM  Permalink
If reservation is stopped in public sector, the productions will become Zero and everything will incur double the losses currently incurred.

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RE:Private Sector???
by Rupakshi on Apr 22, 2008 10:53 PM  Permalink
" reservation is stopped in public sector, the productions will become Zero" - This statement illogical. You mean, those who are less qualified are essential for public sector otherwise it would collapse?- Well why should there be limit to idiocy any way?

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reservations ???
by ramani-mumbai on Apr 17, 2008 01:24 PM  Permalink 

it is from religion that we get castes.we can abolish caste names in our names.then give reservation based on
economic basis like income,residence,gadgets at home,position of relatives, etc.caste alone should not be the criteria.it has skewed the process.the benefited wud never let-go this juicy carrot.
K Ramani, Mumbai 17/4/08

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Reservations and the Younger Generation
by Kris iyer on Apr 15, 2008 08:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Good motives are not enough. Modern governments must show intelligence and skill in implementing their well-motivated policies. Imagination is also necessary. In India, both at the level of motives and the next level of implementation, there has been NOT that much skill by governments.
That there should be Social Justice - none disputes. For nearly 60 years SC, ST and BC have had reservations in government institutions. So, that is a good proof that the so-called FCs have not objected.
Now, take the younger generation. They are for equal opportunity. They are exposed to how things are done in other countries, especially, advanced countries. In 2009, how to explain to a young boy or girl, classified as from an FC family, while her friend in the next flat is classified as from a OBC family, "Dekho Batteh, even if you secure reasonable marks, you will NOT get into this central govt.,educational institution, but please understand it is social justice, if your friend from next door will get in with "less than reasonable marks". You see this favouritism in favour of your neighbour is justified because in your great-grandfather's generation the OBCs were not treated properly." Here we have two families living in similar socio - economic circumstances in a Metro or town in India. Both young people probably attended the same, or similar schools.
Which part of this process, could we expect the young boy or girl from the F.C. family to "understand and sympathise" with?

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RE:Reservations and the Younger Generation
by HellBoy on Apr 16, 2008 01:55 AM  Permalink
Quota system should be over as long as We accept Lower caste equal to us like Dalit people working as priest in the normal temples. As soon as these are addressed the quota system should be over.

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RE:Reservations and the Younger Generation
by Rupakshi on Apr 22, 2008 11:05 PM  Permalink
If Dalit people are allowed to work as priests, the quota can end-ok, for your information all cross the country we have priests from all castes. We just need priests who know the vedas and sanskrit, unfortunately it is the minimum requirement because Hinduism has 18 wings. 4 Vedas, 6 Angas, Nyaya, Viseshika, Mimamsa, puranas which constitute the basis for the 24 Dharmas; Stapatya Veda, Aurveda, Dhanurveda, and Gandharva Veda become the Vidyas. One need not be master, but must be able to read them. The Hindu priests live under poverty line every where including USA. If I am a Dalit, why the hell do I need to be a priest, getting up at 4 am, taking cold water bath, wearing simple cloth, sitting in on posture for hours for every ritual and getting paid meager amount, my dear? Brahmins opened schools to teach the tenets of the religion for every one. Tamilnadu has priests of every caste-no one has objection-but the Brahmins are ill treated there. You people with least understanding have really compromised the the religion and paved the way for yet another foreign rule based on middle eastern religions where your reservations will not exist any way. You guys live under idiotic illusion that Brahmins ill treated some one. They rejected the thrown, lived poor in forest. No God we pray to is a Brahmin. Many of the religious books were not written by Brhamins. They protected them. Anti Brahmin stupidity need not be the cover for run away reservation policy.

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RE:Reservations and the Younger Generation
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 16, 2008 06:44 PM  Permalink

What has Quotas to do with Religion ?
State has no right to interfere in Religion.

Hell Boy! You do Know you are in Hell. Isn't It ?

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RE:Reservations and the Younger Generation
by ramani-mumbai on Apr 17, 2008 01:11 PM  Permalink
It is from religion that we get castes.we can abolish caste names in our names.then give reservation based on
economic basis like income,residence,gadgets at home,position of relatives, etc.caste alone should not be the criteria.it has skewed the process.the benefited wud never let-go this juicy carrot.
K Ramani, Mumbai 17/4/08

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Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by arun singh on Apr 15, 2008 04:26 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Government must immediately ensure reservation in private sector jobs. The fact is that hardly there is any representation of SC/ST/OBC at management level in any priate sectror company.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Bharatvasi on Apr 15, 2008 04:34 PM  Permalink
Do u want to spoil whole India? Develop talent and compete with others dude. Do not bank on quota like a handicapped person.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by arun singh on Apr 15, 2008 04:42 PM  Permalink
You mean private sector till now is managed by talented people? Who can believe this crap when one finds that hardly a single company in India is world class and hardly any Indian product is world class. Even after 60 years of Independence, private sector has not been able to register its presence anywhere. Let vast majority of people of Indai, that is SC/ST/OBC get a chance to participate in the running of private sector. I am sure India then will become an economically developed country. You can not develop Inda by forcing its majority of people to live a live of second class citizens.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by on Apr 16, 2008 11:22 PM  Permalink
There are many world class companies. There will be more since the government has loosened its grip on private sector. Just look at the inefficiency in our govternment offices. Atleast spare the private sector and allow India to compete in world market.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by atanu on Apr 15, 2008 04:56 PM  Permalink
Yeah, after your tribe comes to manage pvt sector through backdoor, it will become world class. my foot

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 15, 2008 05:09 PM  Permalink

It is a waste to discuss with these street fellows. Believe in the Courts And Fight there.
Did you think they didn't know they are undeserving and worthless fellows ? The Govts Attroney Himself Acknowledged It in front of the Supreme Court's Ultimate Bench with CJI.
Did they ask for an Apology from the Solicitor General of India ??

Why do you unneccesarily discuss with these Lost Cases ???

Talent is Running Not just this country but the Entire world. Stop working whenever they want a protest. And Let the Economy go to dogs. They will get to know their place immediately.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by arun singh on Apr 15, 2008 05:15 PM  Permalink
Atanu, TheOneAndOnly, Dangerous,
Why do you hate your countrymen so much? Are you afraid that soon you guys will be shown the doors? Or, you are so much into exploitation business that you are afraid that the new upcoming class will put you to accountability?

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Dangerous on Apr 15, 2008 05:27 PM  Permalink
which country r u talking abt...its sun going to become a country of beggers...donkeies can never bring abt ny revolution...so dont dream that u all would herald ny new dawn in this country

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 16, 2008 01:13 AM  Permalink

Upcoming class ????????

ha ha ha haaaa

It never came. And Shall Never Come. that is what we are saying.

The Fact the Solicitor General of India Admitted in the SC, That with removal of creamy layer, No one will be eligible for admission.

AND Leave for a moment And THEY will fall down.

Ask the Solicitor General of India to APOLOGISE. But SC will not anyway change its verdict.


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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Dangerous on Apr 15, 2008 04:55 PM  Permalink
who is forcing them to live a life of 2nd class citizen..beggers cannot be choosers...if they have talent let them fight for the jobs... first deserve then deserve...who said no indian comapanies r of world standard...update ur knowledge...tata,reliance,infosys r better than many foreign comapanies...

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Kris iyer on Apr 15, 2008 07:19 PM  Permalink
PLEASE Hold On, everyone of you. All of us are neighbours and must share this neighbourhood - india. Arun Singhji, the vast majority of Indians are for a fair opportunity for every citizen of India, from whatever background.
1) You know, we have applied "reservations" for nearly 60 years now.
2) There has NOT been any serious review of the RESULTS of this vast exercise, covering hundreds of thousands of people, who have come through colleges, government jobs, promoted and now some of them are retired, through reservations. 3) Without any idea of the RESULTS, why does the government continue with MORE AND MORE OF THE SAME? What is their MOTIVE? Elections are due this year?
4) If life of the BCs,OBCs,SCs are difficult, life for the FCs is NOT such a smooth ride, as the government and the media seem to assume. Average middle-income FC families are paying almost 40% of their income towards educating their children. After graduating, only the private sector offers recruitment on merit. [ There are many,many able SC,ST,BC and OBC people in the private sector. In the years to come there would be CEOs from these castes.]
5) Therefore, there is frustration on the part of these families against the government, blocking the path of merit even in the private sector. Every other path is blocked or complicated. Now the government wants to bring caste into the private sector also. Is "caste" the only REALITY? Isn't economic disadvantage a fairer basis?

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RE:RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by on Apr 16, 2008 11:28 PM  Permalink
Any policy we implement must be evaluated for the result and untoward effects it produces. Unfortunately reservation policy is an exception. To continue to do the same again and again and expect different result is surely a sign of mental retardation.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Satya on Apr 15, 2008 09:35 PM  Permalink
In fact,economic disadvantage/backwardness and merit alone should be the criteria for 'reservation'.It is a pity that the SC was not really 'judicious' in this matter of allowing reservation for OBCs,since it is a fact that it is the OBCs,especially the rich ones,who oppress and discriminate against the dalits/SCs/STs in the rural areas.As far as the cities are concerned,nobody is bothered about anybody's caste.So there is no question of any discrimination.It is the political mafia leaders who belong to the SC/ST/OBC who want the reservations to continue,so as to appropriate all the 'goodies' for themselves and their kith and kin. If they had any feeling for their less-fortunate brethren,they would not want the 'creamy layer' to be retained.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Rupakshi on Apr 22, 2008 11:10 PM  Permalink
Private sector means, no tax money is used. Private funds are used to generate the income from which they pay the taxes. It is illogica to say that if I earn I not only pay the taxes which are used for reservation, but also take what ever money I use to make business for my living should be partitioned. My tax money itself should not be used as legal bribe to win seats in the legislature-that itself is immoral-the second demand has no sense what so ever. You would convert India into Somalia. The only rule you can have is that no one should be discriminated on the basis of religion or caste or gender. Forcing a reservation is not just dumb, it is disgusting.

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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Dangerous on Apr 15, 2008 04:34 PM  Permalink
if donkeys take up the roles of managers all companies would have to shut thier operation in india

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RE:RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Bharatvasi on Apr 15, 2008 04:35 PM  Permalink
Well said

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GM Party!!
by Anand S on Apr 15, 2008 02:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am not totally against reservation, but certain rules should be applied while we reserve for certain community. Reservation is only for the people:

1) who earn below 2~3 lakhs (irrespective of caste)
2) who send their kids to Government School
3) who is serving in Army/Navy/Air force. Should apply restriction as per cadres
4) who is mentally retarded or handicap
5) who is uneducated Widow children
6) who don't have more than two children
7) who belong to a certain religion & converting/reconverting religion
8) who misuse reservation laws. Should have strict punishment
9) not entitled for reservation more than two or three generations. otherwise should serve in army or navy or air force
10) like politicians/professionals kids (docs, lawyers, engg etc) are not entitled for reservation unless serving Govt
11) reservation quota is not valid for more than 50 years.

In any system (religion, political or social system) people tend to take advantage leading to division among themselves. There should always be reviewed & changed according to the time.

To fight General Merit(GM) people to come forward & form a political party in order to support the above cause. I am sure such a party will bring fear in all the politicians playing the caste/religion games to divide the people for their vote bank. I am sure the GM people who are having kids will come & vote for the party supporting above rules. Let%u2019s do it!
I see a bright future & undivided India.

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RE:GM Party!!
by ashish shekhar on Apr 17, 2008 03:00 PM  Permalink
reservation will strictly on caste basis in india as it is ment for vote bank politics.

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Wake up
by Dangerous on Apr 15, 2008 02:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Its high time that upper caste should float a new party which can fight for thier rights..congress is party of christians,muslims nd obc...bsp is for dalits....rjd,smajawadi is for yadavs nd muslims...karunanidhi is for anti Ram tribes..communsists r chinese agents operating in India..shiv sena is a regional outfit whose only ambition is to create disturbance....BJP is such a stupid party that it never speaks for the people on whose votes it comes to power...considering the prevailing situation if we dont stand against these dirty politicins nd thier dirty tactics soon our future generation would suffer nd they would blame us for our timidness...i m not aginst reservation but does it really reach the needy souls..a person having income of 6-7 lakhs would now be considered as backward....legislation would again be changed to enable these laggards nd inefficeint candidates to reach premier institues...crying foul at these platforms would not help...vote for a party which stands for ur right ...wake up people nd dont be too liberal as doomsday is approaching..today it is central universities,tommorrow private nd finally private sectors...where would ur childern go...der millions of upper caste people who r living below poverty lines but who care for them...idiots upper caste politicians never speak for us....make sure to vote them out of power in forthcoming election

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RE:Wake up
by TheOneAndOnly on Apr 15, 2008 04:35 PM  Permalink

Anti Quota People!

Go ON a Token Flash Strike without Notice For One Week. And Show the World How much You Count in the System.

Let the Quota People Manage the Business of the Organisation.

Karunanidhi called for a Strike against an interim order. Why are the Elder OCs not Protesting for the sake of their Younger Ones ??

Liberalisation by Congress and Communists start Only when the 'System take No More'.

'System Can Take More' was the Statement of Karunanidhi and Lallu.
The Talented are the real Managers of the System. Tell me, Are Politicians True ? Can you take More ??

If Not, Put It Down Immediately from your Shoulders.

Your Foolishness is in
Not Understanding the Electoral Politics in a Democracy
Being TOOO patriotic and having too few children. Some Crazy OCs even stopped after 1 child as back as 1970.

Instead of Flying Off or Fighting for a Separate Homeland, Have 9 children atleast.

All OCs especially Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vysyas.

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RE:RE:Wake up
by aoneall on Apr 15, 2008 05:34 PM  Permalink
Dear TheOneAndOnly,
Please do not loose heart. It had to happen one day. How long people of this country would have tolerated suckers like you? Just start working hard rather than playing politics to keep majority of this country away from sharing the power and things will be alright.

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RE:Wake up
by Satya on Apr 15, 2008 09:46 PM  Permalink
Do you mean to say that voting out the upper caste politician will help the upper castes in any way?In fact,it will help the powerful political mafia, comprising the 'creamy layer' to gang up against the weak upper castes and trample upon them.So apply your mind!

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Cremy Layers in OBC/BC/SC/ST
by Anand S on Apr 15, 2008 02:27 PM  Permalink 

Hi All,

I am not totally against reservation, but certain rules should be applied while we reserve for certain comunity. Reservation is only for the people:

1) who earn below 2~3 lacs (irrespective of caste)
2) who send their kids to Government School
3) who is serving in Army/Navy/Airforce. Should apply restriction as per caders
4) who is mentally retarded or handicap
5) who is uneducated Widow children
6) who don't have more than two children
7) who belong to a certain religion & converting/reconverting religion
8) who misuse reservation laws. Should have strict punishment
9) not entitled for reservation more than two or three generations. otherwise should serve in army or navy or airforce
10) like polaticians/professionals kids (docs, lawyers, engg etc) are not entitled for reservation unless serving Govt
11) reservation quota is not valid for more than 50 years.

In any system (religion, polatical or social system) people tend to take advantage leading to division among themselves. There should always be reviewed & changed arrording to the time.

To fight General Merit (GM) people to come forward & form a polatical party in order to support the above cause. I am sure such a party will bring fear in all the polaticians playing the caste/religion games to divide the people for their vote bank. I am sure the GM people who are having kids will come vote for the party supporting above rules. Lets do it!!!!
I see a bright future & undivided India.

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