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Wake up
by Dangerous on Apr 15, 2008 02:36 PM

Its high time that upper caste should float a new party which can fight for thier rights..congress is party of christians,muslims nd obc...bsp is for dalits....rjd,smajawadi is for yadavs nd muslims...karunanidhi is for anti Ram tribes..communsists r chinese agents operating in India..shiv sena is a regional outfit whose only ambition is to create disturbance....BJP is such a stupid party that it never speaks for the people on whose votes it comes to power...considering the prevailing situation if we dont stand against these dirty politicins nd thier dirty tactics soon our future generation would suffer nd they would blame us for our timidness...i m not aginst reservation but does it really reach the needy souls..a person having income of 6-7 lakhs would now be considered as backward....legislation would again be changed to enable these laggards nd inefficeint candidates to reach premier institues...crying foul at these platforms would not for a party which stands for ur right ...wake up people nd dont be too liberal as doomsday is it is central universities,tommorrow private nd finally private sectors...where would ur childern go...der millions of upper caste people who r living below poverty lines but who care for them...idiots upper caste politicians never speak for us....make sure to vote them out of power in forthcoming election

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