If Dalit people are allowed to work as priests, the quota can end-ok, for your information all cross the country we have priests from all castes. We just need priests who know the vedas and sanskrit, unfortunately it is the minimum requirement because Hinduism has 18 wings. 4 Vedas, 6 Angas, Nyaya, Viseshika, Mimamsa, puranas which constitute the basis for the 24 Dharmas; Stapatya Veda, Aurveda, Dhanurveda, and Gandharva Veda become the Vidyas. One need not be master, but must be able to read them. The Hindu priests live under poverty line every where including USA. If I am a Dalit, why the hell do I need to be a priest, getting up at 4 am, taking cold water bath, wearing simple cloth, sitting in on posture for hours for every ritual and getting paid meager amount, my dear? Brahmins opened schools to teach the tenets of the religion for every one. Tamilnadu has priests of every caste-no one has objection-but the Brahmins are ill treated there. You people with least understanding have really compromised the the religion and paved the way for yet another foreign rule based on middle eastern religions where your reservations will not exist any way. You guys live under idiotic illusion that Brahmins ill treated some one. They rejected the thrown, lived poor in forest. No God we pray to is a Brahmin. Many of the religious books were not written by Brhamins. They protected them. Anti Brahmin stupidity need not be the cover for run away reservation policy.