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RE:Reservation in privatge sector jobs
by Kris iyer on Apr 15, 2008 07:19 PM

PLEASE Hold On, everyone of you. All of us are neighbours and must share this neighbourhood - india. Arun Singhji, the vast majority of Indians are for a fair opportunity for every citizen of India, from whatever background.
1) You know, we have applied "reservations" for nearly 60 years now.
2) There has NOT been any serious review of the RESULTS of this vast exercise, covering hundreds of thousands of people, who have come through colleges, government jobs, promoted and now some of them are retired, through reservations. 3) Without any idea of the RESULTS, why does the government continue with MORE AND MORE OF THE SAME? What is their MOTIVE? Elections are due this year?
4) If life of the BCs,OBCs,SCs are difficult, life for the FCs is NOT such a smooth ride, as the government and the media seem to assume. Average middle-income FC families are paying almost 40% of their income towards educating their children. After graduating, only the private sector offers recruitment on merit. [ There are many,many able SC,ST,BC and OBC people in the private sector. In the years to come there would be CEOs from these castes.]
5) Therefore, there is frustration on the part of these families against the government, blocking the path of merit even in the private sector. Every other path is blocked or complicated. Now the government wants to bring caste into the private sector also. Is "caste" the only REALITY? Isn't economic disadvantage a fairer basis?

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