ManMohan Singh must be cursing his Congress party, priavtely, for having politcal alliance with these commies.
Both parties have contadictory polcies, it was purely opportunistic alliance to keep the BJP out.
The Congress will halve its seat in the next election for its anti- Hindu policies and the commies will get completely routed, if our Bengali and Malyalee brothers vote for the BJP decisively.
RE:This Karat has become a pain for the poor Sardarji
by Ash Kar on Sep 14, 2007 06:47 AM Permalink
If BJP comes to power, they will be worse than Congress.Mr.Bangaru Laxman, collected cash Mr.Arun Shourie sold Bombay Juhu Centaur hotel for a paltry sum and Mr.Jaswant Singh accompanied terrorists to Khandhakar and Mr.Advani praised Jinnah as a secularist.The AIADMK withdrew support to BJP earlier and now Mr,Advani is after Ms.Jayalathila for alliance. BJP policy is fanatics plus curruption and Congress policy is be in power through politics and curruption.Both are not good but we have no choice.If a congress leader joins BJP he will become clean (remember Mr.Suhkram)and they will get plum posts.The BJP from Jan Sangh days opposed to Congress and they did not have a candidate for contesting vice president post except ex-congress woman Ms.Najma Habatullah. Both BJP AND CONGRESS are bad and among the two Congress is less harmful
RE:This Karat has become a pain for the poor Sardarji
by Ganapati Hegde on Sep 14, 2007 07:02 AM Permalink
BJP initiated the Golden Quadilateral Project and gave world class Highways and made efforts in building up India's Infrastructure, which Congress failed to do in their 50 years of misrule.
BJP privatized, many inefficient and sick public sector undertakings filled with incompetent people.
When Congress was in power, there were scam after scam, the Jeep Scam during the Chinese war, then came the Big Bofors. They systematically ruined India's economy by claiming socialism, if only the financial crisis forced them to open the economy.
They have always had anti-Hindu policies, Sachar Committee report for "minority vote bank "non-existence" of Lord Ram was the last blow below the belt.
They read to ally with the Commies for the sake of power, when they cannot see eye to eye on many policies.
No self respecting Hindu will accept the humiliation of their religion.
Congress has dug its grave and BJP will bury them in the next elections!!! Mark my words.
RE:Karat should know that he will be the first to go in the next election
by Raj on Sep 14, 2007 06:30 AM Permalink
These commie fools will soon suffer the same fate as Bihari thiefs suffer these days, they will be pulled out of their AC cars and thrashed, till their chinese fever goes....
Karat should be the last person to advise anybody.People like him live in shit holes, thinking it is paradise.
States ruled by the leftists were baled out by capitalists. Keralites left by lakhs to other states and overseas to eke out a living. This led to social problems, the breadwinner away for years and the family left behind. Many returned as strangers to their own homes. It is an irony that a frail foreign woman is hailed as the saviour of Calcutta and the "Saint of gutters". Mother Theresa was back in the news on her death anniversary. The leftists had no clue to help out the poorest of the poor.
It in one thing to act heros in fighting everybody. The real character and ability is in doing constructive work. Deng XiaPeng realised many years ago that the communist system had outlived its utility and changed course. The simple act of linking rewards to efforts transformed China and Vietnam is following this path. They engage US in everyway, not the Karat way!
Our leftists can only defend the privileged unionised sectors in govt and industry. Their existence is due to holding the whole society to ransom and the poorest, the sick and the old suffer most by their road shows. To serve the poorest of the poor one has to go beyond that and provide work, health, education etc. The action of people like Karat will never enable such thoughts.
I wish he spends his energy in transforming the thinking of his party so that we do not foloow North Korea etc.
RE:Move forward
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 08:02 PM Permalink
Hey Mr.Karat Tell us do you want India to look like North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam? or Look like Japan,Australia, South Korea, Singapore or Taiwan . Countries which too free mkt economy and close friendship with the US are doing great.They one which joined with former Soviet and China are obviously in the shit hole. Can you answer me why? Why our youngesters especially Mallus running to Gulf coutries looking for jobs? Those Gulf nations (muslim)are Capitalist and close ally of the US. West Germany and the former East Germany is a fine example. Once the Wall came down. We saw the difference between those two. Eastern Germany was a dump. So you want to destroy India. I don't look at you as Patriotic Indian as long as you worship the leaders of China , Russia and Germany(Marx).Gandhiji is not your leader further more you dont even believe in God either. Your wife is wearing a BINDI . Why? That is the symbol of a married HINDU women.Hope she will wipe that off.
Much as I suspect Karat's motives and own alliances and inclinations towards China, I cannot easily dismiss his advice. It never did anyone any good to be too close to USA or for that matter Russia or China.
A strong country need not tilt or seek dubious friendships. Learn from China that has no international friends and was as backward as India until a few years ago. It quiet went about its own business without seeking powerful friend and is now the second greatest power on Earth.
RE:Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 08:16 PM Permalink
Well Mr.Sen for your information US is "THE" biggest business partner of CHINA. Ever since that happened china's economy grew so fast.Now it is the fastest growing economy in the world.Sorry China is not the "second greatest power".It is Japan so far(economically)These achivement didnt come thru Communism. It came thru free market economic policy. Communism ia a thing of the past. But Mr.Karat and Mr.Bardhan both living in the past. Their head need to be examined.
RE:Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by S on Sep 14, 2007 06:29 AM Permalink
What is meant by friendship? China has become strong only because of trade with USA and resultatnt access to capital. Let us not fool ourselves. Karat is acting as a Chinese agent, to stall India's march towards the source of great capital. Do you have any doubt about Karat's actions if such a deal was signed between Russia and India. He would have been rolling over hundred times in joy and hailed this as a great victory of Indian people.
RE:Careful while choosing friends, Karat tells PM
by shiva on Sep 14, 2007 06:43 AM Permalink
I feel your sympathies to Karat is misplaced. The world has moved and we are not naive to become a valet of USA. We have to learn along the way and how others are looking after themselves than be isolated. No harm in doing business with USA and Bush only happens to be the president.
China is engaging USA in everyway and benefiting all along. Our efforts to become a member of Apec did not get any support while China was a star performer in Sydney. President Hu not only engaged Bush but also met a Taiwan leader! They are working with USA to denuclearise the failed state, North Korea.
Vietnam is embrasing USA, Europe etc. The Americans are assured safety in investments and many introduce and embrase them that they fought them few years ago. They are also reassured "you are safe, we have no muslims!"
The nuclear deal was negotiated by all our capable diplomats, scientists etc. Common, we have to give credit wehere it is due, everybody requires all especially USA and let us try to make the best of the choices than be afraid of every move. We should have self confidence.
We all know, we have to create wealth to distribute and we have to work for a rich man only. Why can't people like Karat engage North Korea and get some help? Let us look forward with confidence like China, with whom we are tagging ourseleves as the future of 21st century.
What to do Mr. Karat; they are all leaders of Democracies. And in a Democracy they have to step down , if people dont like you as a leader. You cannot stick around whatever like in China,Pakistan, Cuba and North Korea. Going by your arguments we must be best friends to the countries just mentioned, signing treates left, right , centre with them.
RE:Karat's Comment
by Venkatesa Prabhu on Sep 14, 2007 06:00 AM Permalink
Not just that, we had friends who called themselves as 'Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai' and occupied 63000 sq kms of our territory, helped Pakistan to create enough trouble for us and are right now working with them to build nuclear reactors too ... Karakoram Highway was built to create instant access across difficult terrain solely to create trouble for India ... we can go on and on and on ... Instead of reminding ourselves of such friends, we still look to friendship with tested democracies where a successful woman Prime Minister like Margaret Thatcher has to make way for a relatively lesser known MP like John Major. I really do not know whether the communists ever believe that there is a 'REAL WORLD' outside their theological world which is surreal and without the military might folded up like a pack of cards eg. the East European Block or USSR ... China is what it is today because of its military backup to the regime and not otherwise.
RE:And that means ....
by Mahesh on Sep 14, 2007 05:48 AM Permalink
They are as direct as they could be. Be enslaved to China and don't look for any other relationship or friends.
The Left's argument is meaningless as always. They are talking about Blair who was to have made way for Brown several years ago. Anyway what about France? The ex-President of France, Chirac was a fierce critic of Bush but he is gone now and the new President declared himself as a friend of Bush and USA.
RE:What about France? Left does not make sense..
by ASHOK on Sep 14, 2007 06:33 AM Permalink
Take the case of Russia or China. Both are benefitted only after they shook hands with USA.
After 1990 Russia fell behind Many countries. They took Huge World Bank loan and also huge help from US OIL Companies ( EXXON / CHEVRON etc.) Only than Russia is back on it's two feet. Putin remained US friend for quite a few years.
So is the case with China. China drifted away from Russian Orbit in Late 70's and heavily depended on US. China was a Huge buyer of US armaments (Through Back Door i.e Israel)
In short KARAT ( Prakash & Brinda) are nuts. Both took education from UK. If they are so much Pro Commies, why did'nt they studied from Russian or Chinese University.
They are misleading the Nation, which has just signed a Nuclear agreement and quite a similar one is signed by China & US. ( They have no objection to that)
If China can toe independent Foreign policy after Signing Nuclear Deal with US , than we can also do that.
China is openly helping Pakistan and Iran on many Nuclear related and Missile related technologies. What US is doing about it. Is USA asking China to send its Nuclear Technology / Reactors back.
Nuclear reactors are not Windows software on a CD , that can be returned.
Congress realizes now that alliance with Lefts was worst decision. They have not been able to do a single fruitful thing till they came into power due to their companions
RE:Leftists are a bad choice as friend
by sandeep adimadhyam on Sep 14, 2007 05:23 AM Permalink
I would agree to this any day, but in this case, having seen the way US operates, I feel that the Left, unusually is correct, sometimes fools are correct, wise get wiser by listening to them
RE:Leftists are a bad choice as friend
by raj on Sep 14, 2007 08:28 PM Permalink
Sandeep, In this case YOUR COMMIE friends are dead wrong. Their aims is make sure China do better. Sandeep let me ask you , why Mr and Mrs Carrot(Karat) went to UK for education? How come they didnt go to Russia or China? We need Stong friends, US trust India. That was they said in CNN. We dont have A.Q Khan. And we never transfered the nuke tech: to any other countries. India is a resposible nation.This fool Karat is there to take care of Chinas interst.