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RE:Karat's Comment
by Venkatesa Prabhu on Sep 14, 2007 06:00 AM

Not just that, we had friends who called themselves as 'Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai' and occupied 63000 sq kms of our territory, helped Pakistan to create enough trouble for us and are right now working with them to build nuclear reactors too ... Karakoram Highway was built to create instant access across difficult terrain solely to create trouble for India ... we can go on and on and on ... Instead of reminding ourselves of such friends, we still look to friendship with tested democracies where a successful woman Prime Minister like Margaret Thatcher has to make way for a relatively lesser known MP like John Major. I really do not know whether the communists ever believe that there is a 'REAL WORLD' outside their theological world which is surreal and without the military might folded up like a pack of cards eg. the East European Block or USSR ... China is what it is today because of its military backup to the regime and not otherwise.

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Karat warns PM