Hey Mr.Karat Tell us do you want India to look like North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam? or Look like Japan,Australia, South Korea, Singapore or Taiwan . Countries which too free mkt economy and close friendship with the US are doing great.They one which joined with former Soviet and China are obviously in the shit hole. Can you answer me why? Why our youngesters especially Mallus running to Gulf coutries looking for jobs? Those Gulf nations (muslim)are Capitalist and close ally of the US. West Germany and the former East Germany is a fine example. Once the Wall came down. We saw the difference between those two. Eastern Germany was a dump. So you want to destroy India. I don't look at you as Patriotic Indian as long as you worship the leaders of China , Russia and Germany(Marx).Gandhiji is not your leader further more you dont even believe in God either. Your wife is wearing a BINDI . Why? That is the symbol of a married HINDU women.Hope she will wipe that off.