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Move forward
by shiva on Sep 14, 2007 06:17 AM

Karat should be the last person to advise anybody.People like him live in shit holes, thinking it is paradise.

States ruled by the leftists were baled out by capitalists. Keralites left by lakhs to other states and overseas to eke out a living. This led to social problems, the breadwinner away for years and the family left behind. Many returned as strangers to their own homes. It is an irony that a frail foreign woman is hailed as the saviour of Calcutta and the "Saint of gutters". Mother Theresa was back in the news on her death anniversary. The leftists had no clue to help out the poorest of the poor.

It in one thing to act heros in fighting everybody. The real character and ability is in doing constructive work. Deng XiaPeng realised many years ago that the communist system had outlived its utility and changed course. The simple act of linking rewards to efforts transformed China and Vietnam is following this path. They engage US in everyway, not the Karat way!

Our leftists can only defend the privileged unionised sectors in govt and industry. Their existence is due to holding the whole society to ransom and the poorest, the sick and the old suffer most by their road shows. To serve the poorest of the poor one has to go beyond that and provide work, health, education etc. The action of people like Karat will never enable such thoughts.

I wish he spends his energy in transforming the thinking of his party so that we do not foloow North Korea etc.

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Karat warns PM