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Please donot post informed opinions
by Bhediya on Dec 11, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I once visited RSS shakha to see what they do. It is an eye opner. They do exercises and talk about nation building, sankars etc.I was glad to see that there is an organization that cares for nation. I am sure that so many vocalist here have never interacted with a RSS Prachark.

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RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by Prasun Chatterjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:41 PM  Permalink
LOL! Good joke. I was also part of them long back. But I quit. Do you know why? It is just a bunch of low IQ fools who run the show and another cheap bunch of morons who wear chaddis and have themselves brainwashed with hatred against muslims and xtians.

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RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by linus on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
You can never be a Pracharak. You just posting lies. You seem to have a superiority complex regarding your IQ as seen in most of your posts. What is your IQ ? I bet it is less than 95 that is average in most humans. And one more thing dont think you are clever in using a Hindu handle to post messages. Your posts have enough anti Hindu venom in it make out that you are either a Hindu hating Muslims or Xtian.

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RE:RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by Anurag Shrivastava on Dec 11, 2007 04:48 PM  Permalink
Do you really believe those old fogies discussing "nation buliding" ? what utter crap those discussions must be

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RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by MP Raju on Dec 11, 2007 04:45 PM  Permalink
Dear Chatterjee,

Why are you cheating yourself with lies? You are a commie for sure.. You have never been to a shakha.. that is 110% sure.. :D

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RE:RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by KARAN MALHOTRA on Dec 11, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by Paramvir Sawhney on Dec 11, 2007 05:26 PM  Permalink
During Partition Riots(1947)RSS cadres saved thousands of HIndus from Cruel Muslim.

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RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by viking on Dec 11, 2007 04:46 PM  Permalink
Prasun dada,RSS guys seem to have IQ different from you. They have it on the higher side. Guys like you are better off with the CPM. These communists like you are educated beyond their intelligence and hence do not know the difference between chalk and cheese. Haw! Haw! Hee! Hee!

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RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by Anurag Shrivastava on Dec 11, 2007 04:47 PM  Permalink
How do they do "nation building" ? Do they use Lego toys or something for it? enlighten us . I though nation building is a job which Tatas , Birlas and Ambanis do ....

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RE:Please donot post informed opinions
by naik on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink
we got a chance now to interact coz u r here

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by harsh patil on Dec 11, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink 

why is the PM correlating Modi and the PM seat.the statement shows the future of Modi if he wins the elections..however i feel he is not that well connected with other BJP leaders and the allies.his growng clout is well withen gujrat only

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Modi's rise accepted by PM
by shanthipriya on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

ante Modi gari goppathanaanni PM garu Oppukuntunnaarannamaata. Inka AP ninchi Chiranjivi adaragodathaadu. Mana Balakrishna sare sai.

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink

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RE:RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by Ramakrishna J on Dec 11, 2007 05:02 PM  Permalink
Kevvu Keka... super Brother, baga chapparu..

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by Vinu on Dec 11, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by Bhediya on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink
idali vada smabhar dosa Rajnikant chennai. Modi achcha.am samajhata abi.

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:41 PM  Permalink
This is telegu stupid not chennai and Rajnikant this is chiru land and the land of Nara Chandra Babu naidu

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by ravi g on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink
in english please

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RE:Modi's rise accepted by PM
by shanthipriya on Dec 11, 2007 05:32 PM  Permalink
So, Modiji's greatness is accepted by Manmohanji. From AP Chiranjivi will blast off. And about Balakrishna does not need any comment or introduction. ( AP will lead the country).

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Qualilities of BJP leaders!
by Balakumaran on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Drug addicts
e.g Mr.Singh and Mr.Jr.Mahajan etc.

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RE:Qualilities of BJP leaders!
by Rahul on Dec 11, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink
and Karunannidhi?

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by prince prince on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink 

Mannu I have told you not to open your mouth in Media. Jaa Rahul ne potti ki hai saaf kar

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Best sellers From The Congress Party
by dddelhi on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Me, I, And My Family :, by Rahul Gandhi. Where the author concludes that all the good things that happened to India in the last 5,000 years is because of his family. A mindblowing and ego boosting journey into fantasyland!
How Rahul Won The UP Elections :, by Bowing Congressmen.
How Rahul Lost The UP Elections :, by The Rest Of The World.
Both the books will be accompanied by a laughing track from Ms. Mayawati. A sequel is planned for the General Elections 2009.
What My Father Told My Mother :, by Rahul Gandhi. A collection of untold secrets from the Gandhi Emperors.
In Her Majestys Service :, An autobiography by Manmohan.
The Queen Can Do No Wrong :, by Lalu. It can relate to Sonia / Rabdi / Pratibha but does not relate to JJ / Sushma / Mayawati.
Me And My Puppets :, by Sonia Gandhi. Main role played by the family head clerk Manmohan, with a large number of supporting characters including Chidambaram and Laughter Champion Lalu.
The Great Sacrifice :, also by Sonia Gandhi. A highly emotional tear jerker one woman act, played out once every two years when the Party fortunes sag. Please be advised that all the tricks in here are illusionary and not real. Accompanied by raucous hand clapping track of the entire Congress party. Festival outside 10, Janpath is a major gala TV event.
How to Rule India: Again by Sonia Gandhi. a detailed explanation on different tactics like using castism, voice of common man, playing around with common man's emotions and corruption

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RE:Best sellers From The Congress Party
by Ashok S on Dec 11, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink

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RE:Best sellers From The Congress Party
by vikas biyani on Dec 11, 2007 04:44 PM  Permalink
Great colelction to have.........good idea for congress and MADAM, probably she will resign again over the issue of 'merchant of death' row with BJP and Election Commission sighting sacrifice and then seek her re-election from Rae-Bareli...and obviously Rahul will take credit for her victory and congress will feel tha they have won UP. LOL

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RE:Best sellers From The Congress Party
by harsh patil on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink
very good ..

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RE:Best sellers From The Congress Party
by Demo-crazy on Dec 11, 2007 04:45 PM  Permalink
What happens after the books are printed -

Congress will buy the book in tonnes and distribute free!!!

You will find the pages at your paani-puri / bhel puri stalls the next day!!!

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RE:Best sellers From The Congress Party
by Ramakrishna J on Dec 11, 2007 05:08 PM  Permalink
If possible, may i get some books, I will use it as tissue papers :-)

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How about your appointment MR PM??
by N Krishnan on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Mr Boot Licker, Probably you have fogotten or you have conveniently ignored the fact that your appointment is also borne out of fear only.

Once bitten twice shy, after the PV Narasimha Rao fiasco, Italian Madam did not trust anybody else in the congress to act as caretaker of the PM's gaddi on behlf of the dynasty. she knew all others were untrustworthy doublcrossers and that you are the only one who is spineless shameless coward who does not have any political backing who is good for the job of taking care of the gaddi for the dynasty and step aside whenever the italian madam raises the finger.

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RE:How about your appointment MR PM??
by ravi g on Dec 11, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink
Well said, where r congress chamchas, whats reply for this?

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RE:How about your appointment MR PM??
by Ramakrishna J on Dec 11, 2007 05:11 PM  Permalink
They went to Sonia%u2019s villa, to wash here innerwear%u2019s :-)

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RE:RE:How about your appointment MR PM??
by Ramakrishna J on Dec 11, 2007 05:14 PM  Permalink
They went to Sonia%u2019s villa, to wash here innerwear%u2019s :-)

they will b back after completing there task, they r fighting who is first to do that task which includes AP'CM, India's PM of course our lalu :)

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why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:36 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

BJP is the biggest fraud and has duped its own votebank namely hindus.BJP had given 3 main promises.Ram Temple,Removal of 370B in J&K and Common Civil Code.It delivered NONE.Did not do PRACTICALLY ANYTHING for the hindus and on top of that BJP has gone one step ahead of Cong and other parties when it comes to appeasing or licking the ass of minorities. So why should Hindus vote BJP??? Can anyone give one SINGLE good reason why???
Not only that, these BJP guys were hell bent on selling the family silver to buy chocolates. They wanted to sell all Public Sector giants to Ambanis and Tatas and Birlas.Trying to sell the profit making PSU Oil Companies is the BIGGEST AND UNPARDONABLE crime M/s.Shourie,Vajpayee & Advani Inc. were about to do when the nation stopped them.BJP turned out to be worse than Congress when it came to corruption.And what irritates more is that they always talk high-headedly and proclaim to be the CLEANEST party. All bullshit.Its time Hindus show BJP that they have seen their dirty linens and no longer need them. Whether Gujarat or elsewhere. BJP will fall NOT because of Muslims or Congress. It will fall because it has back-stabbed its own constituency namely-Hindus.

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by KARAN MALHOTRA on Dec 11, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Ashok S on Dec 11, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink
my friend...BJP was not a party with majority...
Remember there was a big coalition...
If you commies have guts then vote for BJP with a thumping majority. Then you will see alll the promises delivered...not like Indira's promises...which are still promises!

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Aakash kumar on Dec 11, 2007 04:38 PM  Permalink
If BJP tried to sell PSUs, UPA is all set to sell India by signing the nuclear deal... what will you say about that?

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by chirag patel on Dec 11, 2007 04:51 PM  Permalink
Just stop fALTU BAKWAS.
first go and vote.
i bet if BJP will win with clear majority,all ur three wish will fulfill. so just wake up and think. i think u r just kid in Politics. better u concentrate on ur career and leave this issues. and you r talking about Hindu. if u r real Hindu then u will never say anything against Hindu. our Hindu who belong to Congress are taking care of Muslims. they always worry about Muslims and their comfort. dont speak Hindu work from ur mouth. just shut up.
Public Sectors are sell so nothing is wrong.
If goverment will do business then who will do Social work?? its none of Goverment business. They are getting lots of money from Taxes and Toll and etc. Just let ppl do business and Goverment need to concentrate on Public welfare.
what goverment servernts doing that we all know.
So Mr Mukherjee , better u stop writing big paragraph. this is not elocution competition. Its discussion between ppl who know something about politics. go and sleep. dont write anything after this.

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Demo-crazy on Dec 11, 2007 04:41 PM  Permalink
You do not seem to understand what the rules of democratic system mean.

Unless there is clear two thirds majority, in both houses of Parliament, the BJP cannot implement what it states - however relevant they may be.

You need to wait for the day they get absolute majority to do this on their own.

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Somya Mishra on Dec 11, 2007 05:01 PM  Permalink
I thnk both BJP n Congress sucks.. both want power only for money..

Let me give some exapmles

I come from MP which has looted by Congress for 10 years n now is being stripped by BJP for over 4. Whnever thr is time for elections.. Roads get build.. basic amenties are spruned and then the cities n the state goes to Dog.

No Career, no future , no growth... opening call centres n Pvt sector Banks coming in MP or other backward states does not mean growth.. tht is happening as the market has to expand.. thr govt's hav not done anythng for people..

it reminds me of Rome whr the colisium was built for people just to make them forget the real issues..

Today the real issues are Progress, global warming, pollution, corruption n we are stuck in hindu-muslim divide, temple and mosque, sheer corruption.

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Paramvir Sawhney on Dec 11, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink
Give BJP full majority,all the 3 promises will be fulfilled.In colition Government this agenda can not be fulfilled. SAMJHE NALAYAK BENGALI.

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RE:RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Ashok S on Dec 11, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink
Exactly...yeh ctiya log coalition ke baare main bhi nahin jaantey hain@

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RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Prasun Chatterjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink
babaaaa, babaaaa, bhagwan ke naam pe VISA de de baaaaba....LOL! This is the state of Nathuram begging Bush! Cheap low IQ slum-bred Nathuram! And PM? Laffin my a$$ off! How can an international pariah and outcast lead India?
If he does it will be a shame to the collective senses of all the morally upright Indians. He is like a leprosy-or-other-such-contagious disese-stricken canine as far as the outside world(outside Gujarat) is concerned.

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RE:RE:why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Paramvir Sawhney on Dec 11, 2007 04:42 PM  Permalink
You bengali communists!!!!!!!!!! What have you done to Kolkatta.It has become dying City or dead City(RAJIV GANDHI SAID).
By the way Nandigram me kya ho raha hai?

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So they have conceded defeat already
by Sun on Dec 11, 2007 04:35 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

So the Turbonator has conceded defeat already!!!!!

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RE:So they have conceded defeat already
by Somya Mishra on Dec 11, 2007 04:52 PM  Permalink
Yep .. it was a statement jise kehte hain
Chutki lena

if somebody had asked our PM "So have u conceded defeat".. he wud have realized wht he said.

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by harsh patil on Dec 11, 2007 04:34 PM  Permalink 

well it looks like congress is afraid of modi rising as the next potential leader of BJP as well as a possible contender for the PM seat.sonia gandhi & rahul know this fact and i feel are responsible for the defection in the state bjp leaders who have fallen for the bait.they must have gone for the bait as modi does'nt allow any corruption in the state developmental programs...Modi 's name has grown beyond gujrat.the fact that PM has acknowledged this fact shows the true colors of the story behind the defection of the state bjp leaders..this election will be important to MOdi as well as for BJP .a loss here will mean a credibility blow for the BJP and Modi.

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