I thnk both BJP n Congress sucks.. both want power only for money..
Let me give some exapmles
I come from MP which has looted by Congress for 10 years n now is being stripped by BJP for over 4. Whnever thr is time for elections.. Roads get build.. basic amenties are spruned and then the cities n the state goes to Dog.
No Career, no future , no growth... opening call centres n Pvt sector Banks coming in MP or other backward states does not mean growth.. tht is happening as the market has to expand.. thr govt's hav not done anythng for people..
it reminds me of Rome whr the colisium was built for people just to make them forget the real issues..
Today the real issues are Progress, global warming, pollution, corruption n we are stuck in hindu-muslim divide, temple and mosque, sheer corruption.