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why should Hindus vote BJP???
by Tataghata Mukherjee on Dec 11, 2007 04:36 PM

BJP is the biggest fraud and has duped its own votebank namely hindus.BJP had given 3 main promises.Ram Temple,Removal of 370B in J&K and Common Civil Code.It delivered NONE.Did not do PRACTICALLY ANYTHING for the hindus and on top of that BJP has gone one step ahead of Cong and other parties when it comes to appeasing or licking the ass of minorities. So why should Hindus vote BJP??? Can anyone give one SINGLE good reason why???
Not only that, these BJP guys were hell bent on selling the family silver to buy chocolates. They wanted to sell all Public Sector giants to Ambanis and Tatas and Birlas.Trying to sell the profit making PSU Oil Companies is the BIGGEST AND UNPARDONABLE crime M/s.Shourie,Vajpayee & Advani Inc. were about to do when the nation stopped them.BJP turned out to be worse than Congress when it came to corruption.And what irritates more is that they always talk high-headedly and proclaim to be the CLEANEST party. All bullshit.Its time Hindus show BJP that they have seen their dirty linens and no longer need them. Whether Gujarat or elsewhere. BJP will fall NOT because of Muslims or Congress. It will fall because it has back-stabbed its own constituency namely-Hindus.

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