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Best sellers From The Congress Party
by dddelhi on Dec 11, 2007 04:37 PM

Me, I, And My Family :, by Rahul Gandhi. Where the author concludes that all the good things that happened to India in the last 5,000 years is because of his family. A mindblowing and ego boosting journey into fantasyland!
How Rahul Won The UP Elections :, by Bowing Congressmen.
How Rahul Lost The UP Elections :, by The Rest Of The World.
Both the books will be accompanied by a laughing track from Ms. Mayawati. A sequel is planned for the General Elections 2009.
What My Father Told My Mother :, by Rahul Gandhi. A collection of untold secrets from the Gandhi Emperors.
In Her Majestys Service :, An autobiography by Manmohan.
The Queen Can Do No Wrong :, by Lalu. It can relate to Sonia / Rabdi / Pratibha but does not relate to JJ / Sushma / Mayawati.
Me And My Puppets :, by Sonia Gandhi. Main role played by the family head clerk Manmohan, with a large number of supporting characters including Chidambaram and Laughter Champion Lalu.
The Great Sacrifice :, also by Sonia Gandhi. A highly emotional tear jerker one woman act, played out once every two years when the Party fortunes sag. Please be advised that all the tricks in here are illusionary and not real. Accompanied by raucous hand clapping track of the entire Congress party. Festival outside 10, Janpath is a major gala TV event.
How to Rule India: Again by Sonia Gandhi. a detailed explanation on different tactics like using castism, voice of common man, playing around with common man's emotions and corruption

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