RE:i blame bengalis!!
by Vishnu Sharma on Aug 21, 2007 06:43 AM Permalink
Bengalis are perennial rebels. I have come across Bengalis who qualify to fit the genius category and they are all outside Bengal. Take Amar Bose for example. But Within Bengal especially after West Bengal slipped into the coils of the Left Python everyting has gone topsy turvy. I have lived in Calcutta for two years and I can narate an incident. In our arts class in school we were modelling busts of great people using clay. Our arts teacher chose to demonstrate how to model Lenin's head. When I stood up and objected he got irritated I told him that I would rather model Netaji's head or Swami Vivekananda's head. All hell broke loose that day. I was constantly badgered and assaulted by my classmates. I have never seen a people who have so completely sold their souls to the enemy.
RE:i blame bengalis!!
by Anil Kumar on Aug 21, 2007 06:55 AM Permalink
RE:i blame bengalis!!
by rajesh rajesh on Aug 21, 2007 06:41 AM Permalink
You left Keralites. Seems Left is more dangerious than communisim and terrorism. Be Alert!! I cant forget this in my life. Nasty politics!!!
If UPA government stick to its stand and go with implmenting the nuclear deal, i'll vote for them for my life long, even i'll put my efforts in getting votes to that party.
RE:i blame bengalis!!
by Anil Kumar on Aug 21, 2007 06:46 AM Permalink
i am for India and i come from a village..and make it good in my career!I have stuided in the age of power cuts in villages and i found that it is still continuing..INDIA needs Nuclear power and friendship with america in business (look at indian exports)..these communist idiots are against poverty elimination and rural deleopment because...if india remains poor then only they get votes by exploiting them!!i was one that poor.. think on this!!
India should jail and hand all the communists!!their are anti-poor and anti-national(they are with China).
The Congress, if it wants to do damage limitation, should on its own renounce its association with the Left parties & own up to having made a serious error of judgment in forming a Government with their support three years back. While any other combination is tolerable, during the forthcoming elections any major party which allies itself with the Left should be dumped in the heaps by the electorate, if the democratic process is to remain healthy & mature in India. One of the significant election pledges of any major party fighting the elections should be that they will bring to book the Left parties particularly the CPI-M & the CPI for their following acts of anti-nationalism. a) Playing a dishonourable & dubious role during the IInd World War and during the final years of the country's Independence struggle. b) Causing long-standing damage to the state of W. Bengal owing to flight of capital and loss of jobs caused by their hostile acts against industries when they first came to power. c) Colluding overtly & covertly with a foreign power repeatedly over the decades thus acting against the national interests of the state of India. d) Amassment of disproportionate wealth by some leaders and double & hypocritical standards adopted by some others. The judiciary should closely & impartially examine the underlying facts behind these serious allegations and if found to be true, ban the parties for life and imprison its prominent leaders for sustained anti-national activities.
RE:The chicanery & anti-nationalism of the Left
by shiva on Aug 21, 2007 07:11 AM Permalink
Communism was a good ideology, but it never worked anywhere. In terms of accumulating wealth, China has even beaten US in the game. In the land supposed to swear by communism, there are 150,000 individuals with over $5 million personal wealth and growing.
West Bengal & Kerala were stripped bare by the form of communism practised. Any initiative was disabled by the party, only interested in distributing anarchy and resultant poverty. Keralites left by the lakhs to Middle East worked in conditions barely keeping body and soul together. While the industrialists were were spending all their time in sorting labour issues, the overseas Keralites had to support relatives back home. It was ironical that the leftists were preventing any employment, while the enterprising had to slog without any iota of regulations in inhospitable lands.
I have seen first hand how the govt infested by the unions functioned. The downtrodden used to walk miles to get things done, while the govt "servants" were out on strikes and party work, drawing full pay. Once, I met an old man, shirtless and about to faint trying to cancel a bus jopurney for his sick daughter and get a refund. The seats were empty and I tried to get some attention. The union leader told me to mind my business. I pleaded and was told no refund as time has passed. Only on my willingness to come out with the few rupees did he relent.
That was communism at work and things might have changed, hopefully.
We are dependent on foreign energy sources for 70% of our needs. Mostly Middle East, who can sqeeze us during tensions with Pakistan. We already have to please them through our foreign policy.
We are dependent on nuclear fuel and technology to put up any plant. Even our existing ones are recycling the fuels to a dangerous extent. Our scientists know we cannot progress without outside inputs.
Other sources of producing energy are limited in scope. Forget about putting up big hydro projects. China has put up Three Gorges dam to produce 20,000 MW of energy, they had environment issues, but solved them by addressing them to the extent possible. They are trying to build a dam that can affect water flows into India and throttle our agricultural requirements.
We are trying to get gas from Iran through Afganistan & Pakistan, so much for our options.
The people who object have no alternate plans. What hold these lefties have even on China? Can they look at their face and get any help? The Chinese have left behind all dogmas and looking ahead. Our lefties are still to get out of the ever protesting rut. They are spineless in enforcing any discipline in their labour ranks and depend on anarchy to further ends.
We are one of the most dependent counrtries for foreign fuel and neither the BJP nor the lefties can solve the problems. Other countries will be least bothered to offer any help in a crunch.
RE:Who opposing Indo-US nuclear Deal?
by swamy on Aug 21, 2007 06:31 AM Permalink
Congress, they want Polls, so that Sonia can replace Manmohan with Rahul or herself. They know that BJP is now at its weakest, what better way than to strike them a death blow by depicting the left as the foremost competitor?
We have two incompetent sides-Congress party on the Indian side and present US administration led by disaster personified called Bush and his incompetent minions trying to reconcile differences between two biggest democracies which never trusted each other in the past. Little wonder there is so much chaos. Now, Congress wants to operationalize the deal and go to polls- effectively making the elction a referendum on this nuclear deal. Nothng can be worse than this move for both India and US and their budding relationship. Even if Congress wins the election, it will not be able to remove the scars created by this stupid move. Why would Congress not take BJP and Communists into confidence before committing to such deal. Congress thought that communists would make some noise but would not let 'communal' forces to take advantage from this mess. However, you can push someone only so much when you live at their mercy. If Manmohan Singh's team was smart they would atleast take BJP into confidence and listen to their objections. US should be careful and avoid becoming a political football and get kicked around in the Indian streets. It will be in US interest to back off and declare that they would not press India to operationalize the deal till a consensus emerges among the political parties. This would deflect attention from the US, give her a high moral ground and help cool down the temperature. In the meanwhile steps should be taken to bring BJP on board. Finally, anyone who thin
RE:What a mess!
by Arman on Aug 21, 2007 06:20 AM Permalink
k that this deal would bring 'bijli' free also need to get his/her head examined. Nuclear power has several limitations. The deal supporters should be warned not to raise false hopes lest few years down the road this promise may come to bite and jeopardize everything. If a majority of one billion people get against an alliance, no signatures matter and any deal can be rejected. Its not what is signed in the deal that counts but how US behaves, thats important.
RE:What a mess!
by r on Aug 21, 2007 06:34 AM Permalink
It will be a wise move for congress to operationalise the nuclear deal and prove to we Indians that congress has some spine, that we can expect it to fight for India's national interest even at the cost of power. Mr Arman , dont know how can u say Mr.Bush is incompitent,bcoz loosing battles or fighting a difficult war doesnt means incompitance . if it means then churchil was totally incompitent in 1941. thing it understand is that world is passing through a very difficult phase.Here on one side is democratic modernism and on other side is fundamentalist pre modernism of al quaida variety backed by dead communism ( CPM & CPI type) & post modernism of coward ,vision less dumb post moderns . Communist were always anti people. In 1939 they were greatest freinds of Hitler and now of fundamentalists .But BJP has disappointed that it has stooped to such low levels for gaining political points. and wil they win , i can bet , they wont. If govt wil be able to take BJP and Left in confidence at same time , then i will just get one massage , there is some thing very bad in nuke deal for India.Otherwise u cant get two sets of anti nationls to support activities that are for fulfilling Indian national interests.
RE:RE:What a mess!
by Arman on Aug 21, 2007 06:43 AM Permalink
Sometimes it is better to show brain than spine. There is nothing in this deal that cannot wait, nothing. If congress really wanted to show spine it should have done three decades ago.
Well, should we not apply or minds to the fact that whether the international communities as also the regultory bodies, will they negotiate with a minority government???
Enough of these time consuming futile arguments. The writings are clear. Even a kid will know the need for this Deal. Left is noted for putting spokes and then back tracking. They may do it even now. The earlier they are removed from the main stream the better it will be for progress.