We are dependent on foreign energy sources for 70% of our needs. Mostly Middle East, who can sqeeze us during tensions with Pakistan. We already have to please them through our foreign policy.
We are dependent on nuclear fuel and technology to put up any plant. Even our existing ones are recycling the fuels to a dangerous extent. Our scientists know we cannot progress without outside inputs.
Other sources of producing energy are limited in scope. Forget about putting up big hydro projects. China has put up Three Gorges dam to produce 20,000 MW of energy, they had environment issues, but solved them by addressing them to the extent possible. They are trying to build a dam that can affect water flows into India and throttle our agricultural requirements.
We are trying to get gas from Iran through Afganistan & Pakistan, so much for our options.
The people who object have no alternate plans. What hold these lefties have even on China? Can they look at their face and get any help? The Chinese have left behind all dogmas and looking ahead. Our lefties are still to get out of the ever protesting rut. They are spineless in enforcing any discipline in their labour ranks and depend on anarchy to further ends.
We are one of the most dependent counrtries for foreign fuel and neither the BJP nor the lefties can solve the problems. Other countries will be least bothered to offer any help in a crunch.