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The chicanery & anti-nationalism of the Left
by R M on Aug 21, 2007 06:29 AM

The Congress, if it wants to do damage limitation, should on its own renounce its association with the Left parties & own up to having made a serious error of judgment in forming a Government with their support three years back. While any other combination is tolerable, during the forthcoming elections any major party which allies itself with the Left should be dumped in the heaps by the electorate, if the democratic process is to remain healthy & mature in India.
One of the significant election pledges of any major party fighting the elections should be that they will bring to book the Left parties particularly the CPI-M & the CPI for their following acts of anti-nationalism.
a) Playing a dishonourable & dubious role during the IInd World War and during the final years of the country's Independence struggle.
b) Causing long-standing damage to the state of W. Bengal owing to flight of capital and loss of jobs caused by their hostile acts against industries when they first came to power.
c) Colluding overtly & covertly with a foreign power repeatedly over the decades thus acting against the national interests of the state of India.
d) Amassment of disproportionate wealth by some leaders and double & hypocritical standards adopted by some others.
The judiciary should closely & impartially examine the underlying facts behind these serious allegations and if found to be true, ban the parties for life and imprison its prominent leaders for sustained anti-national activities.

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