We have two incompetent sides-Congress party on the Indian side and present US administration led by disaster personified called Bush and his incompetent minions trying to reconcile differences between two biggest democracies which never trusted each other in the past. Little wonder there is so much chaos. Now, Congress wants to operationalize the deal and go to polls- effectively making the elction a referendum on this nuclear deal. Nothng can be worse than this move for both India and US and their budding relationship. Even if Congress wins the election, it will not be able to remove the scars created by this stupid move. Why would Congress not take BJP and Communists into confidence before committing to such deal. Congress thought that communists would make some noise but would not let 'communal' forces to take advantage from this mess. However, you can push someone only so much when you live at their mercy. If Manmohan Singh's team was smart they would atleast take BJP into confidence and listen to their objections. US should be careful and avoid becoming a political football and get kicked around in the Indian streets. It will be in US interest to back off and declare that they would not press India to operationalize the deal till a consensus emerges among the political parties. This would deflect attention from the US, give her a high moral ground and help cool down the temperature. In the meanwhile steps should be taken to bring BJP on board. Finally, anyone who thin