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by kohinoor banerjee on May 29, 2007 10:48 PM  Permalink 

Rahul Gandhi has made a mess of his campaigning in UP. First, he could not drive home Congress to a respectable tally & then he started talks about breaking Pakistan. He is in the embryonic stage as a politician and should restrain himself.
Also, the so-called pundits of Indian politics are ruining his chance of becoming a good leader by telling repeatedly that he is a FUTURE PM. How can they say that????? These pundits are just eating up his mind.
So, let him learn the ABC of politics and then take the leap. Whats the hurry? Because Until Sonia leaves the ground, he has no chance of making it!!!!!

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Absence of change of system will fail Rahul too!
by Gautam nil on May 29, 2007 02:09 AM  Permalink 

Present system of vote bank, invariably interferes directly with good works to be done for the real welfare of large public of our nation! Though in many places people could assess right ones to be elected, they tremendously failed as we had witnessed in several cases in Bihar, U.P. and many other states too where people did elect hard core criminals when they were inside jails too, perhaps due to a fear complex due to their terrorist activities of notorious crimes etc., When very large number of people were found to be good in olden days of introduction of democracy as method of rule in the nation, democracy indeed could yield reasonable results! But, when right has become wrong and vice versa at present, where large number of people practice wrongs either due to ignorance, vested interests based purely upon selfishness, encouragement by conducive situations to crime and violence persisting all around, encouragement by undue delays in judicial system and also ineffective criminal check system, democracy suffers immense failures!Unless the entire reversed system is entirely changed drastically to check large scale of nepotism, violence and crimes drastically before it is too late, no leader could do any miracle as we expect! Sincere Rahul Gandhi, who inherits most important quality of sacrifice amidst various other merits and virtues from his magnanimously sacrificed family, that is never found in a very large number of present leaders, will also miserably fail, in absenc

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Absence of change of system will fail Rahul!
by Gautam nil on May 29, 2007 02:03 AM  Permalink 

The present system of vote bank, invariably interferes directly with good works to be done for the real welfare of the large public of our nation!
Though in many places people could assess the right ones to be elected, they tremendously fail as we had witnessed in several cases in Bihar, U.P. and many other states too where people did elect hard core criminals when they were inside the jails too, perhaps due to a fear complex due to their terrorist activities of notorious crimes etc., When very large number of people were found to be good in olden days of introduction of democracy as the method of rule in the nation, democracy indeed could yield reasonable results! But, when right has become wrong and the vice versa at present, where large number of people practice wrongs either due to ignorance, vested interests based purely upon selfishness, encouragement by conducive situations to crime and violence persisting all around, encouragement by undue delays in judicial system and also ineffective criminal check system, democracy suffers immense failures!
Under such changed circumstances no NATURAL LEADERS could effectively deliver goods to wipe the tears of the large majority of the people in miseries except their major failures!
Unless the entire revered system is entirely changed drastically to check large scale of nepotism, violence and crimes drastically before it is too late, no leader could do any miracle as we expect!
Sincere people like Rahul Gandhi, who inherits th

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by julakanti kumar on May 24, 2007 11:56 AM  Permalink 

I am from a forward Caste and I think giving reservation for the deprived should always be welcomed. I definetly understand the pepole opposing it, and the only reason is that the reservations are not implemented with its only spirit.
If congress and other political parties who are supporting Reservations they are most welcome but just before that why don't they implement reservation in their own Party and set an example for the upliftment of the deprived ones.

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by Raman on May 22, 2007 04:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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by Sajid Zaidi on May 28, 2007 06:09 PM  Permalink
I was in an arguement with another Indian on Rediff's topic i.e Musharff's uniform. I tried to convey this msg that Indians are never happy with Pakistan's progress. They have always wished to break Pakistan. Now this has really come from the HORESES mouth THE GANDHI family, that they were a party to break East Pakistan, its a pitty that now their leaders are stretching hands of friendship. How can we belive that they don't have some hidden plan. As they are going very thick with USA on nuclear programmes and are doing objectable activities on our Westren borders with the help of Afgans & Americains. We really don't know what the hell they are cooking, our govt. is forced by the US to perform whereas the Indaians are getting all the goodies for doing nothing & bugging Pakistan. We PK & Ind) better get our acts together, otherwise the US will do anything,(EVEN NUCLEAR WAR) when they don't have interast and forces in the region. Sajid Zaidi, Islamabad.PK

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The Battle for UP: Complete Coverage
by Praveen Gowda on May 10, 2007 02:40 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Guys Nehru family sucks dont belive them at any cost, just to rule the country they have added Gandhi's surname with them. Just think Indira Gandhi married a muslim, then howcome Rajiv's last name could be Gandhi.

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RE:The Battle for UP: Complete Coverage
by Moin on May 28, 2007 05:24 PM  Permalink
Update yourself, Firoz gandhi was not a muslim, he was a parsi. I wonder why people still ask what is communalism?

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Did Rahul Cross The Line On Pakistan
by anwarhashim on May 07, 2007 07:34 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

I am really surprised to read the immatured statement from Mr.Rahul Gandhi.He should think twice what he says.These kind of statement spoils the spirit of good neighbouring relations.He is coming from a seasoned politicians family.What has he learned from his ancesters.It is a black spot in his political career.

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RE:Did Rahul Cross The Line On Pakistan
by Sajid Zaidi on May 28, 2007 06:16 PM  Permalink
It will become very hard for him and the Congress Govt. to sallow this bitter pill, or hide the BLACK spot,because these days they are talking of CBMs & better ties with Pakistan. He has spoiled his political career. Thats right he must have got carried away because of the crowd. But in politics you don't get carried away that easy. Sajid Zaidi. Islamabad,PK.

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cheating by indiatimesshopping.com
by abhijit jarikotkar on Apr 24, 2007 07:41 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

My name is abhijit jarikotkar from pune. I have purchased a product online from indiatimesshopping.com on 7th of April.I did made the payment by netbanking. they have committed to deliver the product within 10-12 working days. On 15th of April I have received a mail stating that the product is despatched. but untill today i havent received the same. i did made 10-12 calls to their customer care but they dont do anything than asking more time for delivery. now i want to file a case against them for using my money for 20-22 days, false committing, non-delivery of the product, and all the expenses that i made for calling them 10-12 times and each call last for min. 10-15 minutes. please guide me what should i do in this case....

abhijit jarikotkar, pune
mobile - 9970179726

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RE:cheating by indiatimesshopping.com
by kay ess on May 03, 2007 03:08 PM  Permalink
Posted in the wrong place no doubt. Go to your local consumer court (Consumer Redressal Forum) and state your case your self in simple bhasha. no need for any lawyer. Carry printouts and papers to evidence the transaction. Best of Luck!

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RE:cheating by indiatimesshopping.com
by Amrit Singh on Apr 28, 2007 01:12 PM  Permalink
Dude, how is this related to the article above. Maybe you should post your sorrows at indiatimes?

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Family first
by Sanjeev Chhiber on Apr 23, 2007 12:14 PM  Permalink 

In the early 1900's, a handful of industrialists and entrepreneurs had amassed tremendous fortunes. John D. Rockefeller had made his name in oil, Henry Ford in automobiles, Carnegie in steel. Their estates, in today's dollars, would rival those of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

As these visionaries aged, most of them asked a handful of lawyers the same question: "What can I do to preserve my estate?" They knew that when they died, their estates would be heavily taxed when passing to children, and would shrink even more when going to grandchildren.

Using some of the most tax-savvy minds in the country, some of the most successful families created a separate trust... a legal entity designed to provide substantial assets to future generations, with little or no estate taxes. What they did, in the process, was create the "Dynasty Trust."

In today's tax system, estate and gift taxes are levied every time assets change hands from one generation to the next. These dynasty trusts avoided those taxes by creating a second estate that could outlive most of the family members, and continue providing for future generations.

Dynasty trusts are long-term trusts created specifically for descendants of all generations. Dynasty trusts can survive 21 years beyond the death of the last beneficiary alive when the trust was written.

If you were setting one up today, and you had a 2 year-old grandchild, your dynasty trust could last well over 100 years. Long after you're gone, a dynasty trust can distribute income and principal exactly the way you would have wanted.

The grantor's children are usually the preferred beneficiaries of a dynasty trust. After the last child dies, the grandchildren (or even great-grandchildren) become the preferred beneficiaries.

The dynasty trust, like any trust, has a trustee that controls it. The trustee can use trust income or principal for the benefit of the beneficiaries. When drafting a dynasty trust, you can determine just how narrow (or broad) the trustee's discretion is.

The dynasty trust can allow responsible beneficiaries to have complete control and access to their trust assets. For beneficiaries that are not as financially responsible, certain provisions restricting their access to trust income or principal can be incorporated into the trust.

By limiting beneficiaries' access, such "spendthrift clauses" can also prevent creditors of a beneficiary from attacking trust assets for indebtedness, or prevent the divorcing spouse of a beneficiary from laying claim to trust assets.

Starting a Dynasty Trust

Spendthrift clauses (as well as any dynasty trust) must be properly drafted by an experienced estate planning attorney. A knowledgeable attorney, who understands the grantor's situation, can also create discretionary clauses. Discretionary distributions can be conditioned on each beneficiary being able to support himself or herself on their own. With some many options, dynasty trusts can be tailored any way you choose.

The trust itself can be created during a grantor's lifetime, or a portion of the grantor's estate can be used to fund the dynasty trust at death. Creating a dynasty trust while alive allows the grantor to leverage his or her $1 million GSTT exemption. The dynasty trust will shelter not only the value of the assets transferred inside it, but also any appreciation of those assets.

Thats what the gandhi falily has done.

No, sir, love of the country is ok but family first.

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