Present system of vote bank, invariably interferes directly with good works to be done for the real welfare of large public of our nation! Though in many places people could assess right ones to be elected, they tremendously failed as we had witnessed in several cases in Bihar, U.P. and many other states too where people did elect hard core criminals when they were inside jails too, perhaps due to a fear complex due to their terrorist activities of notorious crimes etc., When very large number of people were found to be good in olden days of introduction of democracy as method of rule in the nation, democracy indeed could yield reasonable results! But, when right has become wrong and vice versa at present, where large number of people practice wrongs either due to ignorance, vested interests based purely upon selfishness, encouragement by conducive situations to crime and violence persisting all around, encouragement by undue delays in judicial system and also ineffective criminal check system, democracy suffers immense failures!Unless the entire reversed system is entirely changed drastically to check large scale of nepotism, violence and crimes drastically before it is too late, no leader could do any miracle as we expect! Sincere Rahul Gandhi, who inherits most important quality of sacrifice amidst various other merits and virtues from his magnanimously sacrificed family, that is never found in a very large number of present leaders, will also miserably fail, in absenc