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by Sajid Zaidi on May 28, 2007 06:09 PM

I was in an arguement with another Indian on Rediff's topic i.e Musharff's uniform. I tried to convey this msg that Indians are never happy with Pakistan's progress. They have always wished to break Pakistan. Now this has really come from the HORESES mouth THE GANDHI family, that they were a party to break East Pakistan, its a pitty that now their leaders are stretching hands of friendship. How can we belive that they don't have some hidden plan. As they are going very thick with USA on nuclear programmes and are doing objectable activities on our Westren borders with the help of Afgans & Americains. We really don't know what the hell they are cooking, our govt. is forced by the US to perform whereas the Indaians are getting all the goodies for doing nothing & bugging Pakistan. We PK & Ind) better get our acts together, otherwise the US will do anything,(EVEN NUCLEAR WAR) when they don't have interast and forces in the region. Sajid Zaidi, Islamabad.PK

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Did Rahul cross the line on Pak?