China wants a weak India and not a strong one as they know their dreams of swallowing parts of India will go down the drain once India gets strong.That is the thing which is giving them sleepless nights, and reminding them to roar again and again.
No Govt of india who is appointed by public is allowed to handover 1 cm land to other territory. Here one question raised is were is now Hindu leaders? shiv sena, BJP, RSS, VHP, muslim leaders etc etc all parties when china demanded not only tawang but whole arunachal pradesh from india. We people of india may approach Supreme court on this mater that ruling govt is not taking aggressive steps for guarding borders and development across borders are very slow.
America will have to play second innong with communists sooner or latter as communists are preparing for it.Laden and Communists may not be hand in hand as Bush claims but certainly they are not leg in leg and no chance in future too.And now 4th 'A' is prevailing in pakistan Viz Alqueda.Neither Benazir nor new army chief can afford to ignore this new 'A'whether america agrees or not.Human bombs and anthrex to bilogical dirty weapons etc. On such backgrounds when america pits benazir against Musharraf,it is like america sitting in mouth of a snake catching a flag.Infact america too knows how ISI had funded 11.9 but Musharraf has handled all complications and pakistan under him only can deal with all mess america has created.biggest achievement of this region is neither india took advantage of situation in Pakistan nor Musharraf has lost patience and like other Generals has played antiindian card to overcome crisis.Musharraf is the only solution for pakistan for next decade.
President Putin had asked bush only one question "Where Are WMD in Iraq?"And now noted journalist M. J. Akbar asks "where are Pakistan's nuclear weapons and Where is Taliban"And after Putin now M. J. Akbar's question is more relevant for Bush. There is talk of nuclear weapons in Pakistan,but what about Human Bombs that have done 11.9 in USA,7.7 in U. K. ,13.12 in india and 18.10 in Pakistan.Thousands of such bombs are spread all over globe now and confused Bush is worried about Musharraf and Pakistan Nuclear.what about Biochemical weapons carrieable in Fountain pen at 200th cost of nuclear weapons?What about Anthrex and Crude dirty bombs?Taht is why Mr. Akbar rightly asks Bush Where is Taliban, in Afganistan,in Pakistan or in pakistan army ?Unless Bush and his country do not address to root causes of Suicide bombs mere WMD and attacks in name of WMD shall infact make Humanbombs more sharper.Bush has no answer for such mobile human weapons with dedicated,educated,fearless and well equiped resourceful terrorists.There is no sign of any defeat of them and not in near future. And even if that defeat occures,tired america shall have to face second inning with fresh Communists and it shall be combination of many. America has shown its class to India by imposing Nuclear deal witth all coerssive departures and Communists have shown to BJP too class of america.It is on record.Will America realise rootcauses of human Bombs it Knows verywell and stop Nuclear deals anymore?
Despite Globalization with all W. Bank,IMF and WTO sponsored Liberalization,Privatization and globalization (LPG)compelled with india in unipolar world,Bush is coordially invited to west Bengal to see how Land reforms and Agriculture infrastrecture and Jungles are built for growth with hands and what is rest of india?65% population is farmers and 70% of popualation spends 60% of its income on food and with this LPG our agriculture is corporatised and food is not only privatised but opened for Forward trading by killing green revolution and pDS and FCI.Same with industry and PSUs are killed to make ways for MNCs.In name of fiscal displine public spending is restricted and even health and education is for few now. and why to go to period of Lenin and Hitler,uSA has been handed over Globe by communists ever since uSSR collapsed.and what uSA did globally? OIC and Europe and Japan saw what in unipolar world?Why to blame dormant communists Bush? it is your hegemony and greedy adamance you are facing boomeranged.And if u blame others for your failures,are u prepared for second inning with Communists in such situation deadly against uSA? I think uSA's real strength as noted journalist M. J. Akbar once written is its democratic values.Why USA does not take a pause and return to its rationality than endlessly getting trapped? Simple Living And High thinking and institutionalize globe would be true solution now.
Iran and Venezulae have joined hands,Pakistan ,Chiana and north Korea nexus is timetested ever since bJP emerged in india,ASEAN was basically anticommunists but now it is guided by China,Russia Europe strategic partnership is on cards and USA has shown all its skill of finishing indian Food,Agriculture,Industry and its nuclear Deal shows how greedy it is with all. And seeing such communists and islam partnership as a result of uSA's unipolar hegemony and greed,now confused Bush may equate laden with Lennin and Hitlerbut is he ready to play second inning with communists after his war against terrorizam?Bush realises that Pakistan has bomb but iran shall have and Pakistan is dangerous than Iran,but who has supported and built pakistan for decades?who rejected Advani's offer post 11.9 and selected musharraf for war against terrorizam?and all of a sudden now Musharraf is most unwanted? Instead of going history,Bush should realize what he is doing. USA created Osama and when osama executed 11.9 lilling 2000 Americans and destroying 50 billions WTC,now Bush has spent futilely 500 billions and killed 5000 American boys and injured 25000 and killed 5 lac iraqis.nothing shall be solved and resolved just by comparing Lennin with Laden but unless America starts seriously institutionalising globe with democratic institutions and stops its nonsense with important nation like India,it should prepare for second inning with communists too now.How in n. Korea mr. Bush?pl. Intros
Bush has shown his kindness to billion indians for sparing Gandhiji when instead of introspeting and analysing present desaster he called Osama,Hitler and Lennin one and same. Mr. Bush who created Osama and Saddam?Can a cat drink milk by shutting eyes thinking how cleverly it is fooling world?and Mr. bush who defeated Hitler?Russia.and Saudi youth attacked USA as where is per capita income of saudi as a friend of USA?And basically in name of Laden with whom is Bush fighting?With innocents? killing half a million Iraqis?Who is hittler then?And he is not ready to introspect and now is all set to destabilize Musharraf and trifurcate Iraq and may even pit sikhs with Islam creating desaster everywhere. But some forces shall engage Bush endlessly both King to king and pawn to Pawn fights.Has he infrastrecture and support and allies?He thinks that some proamericans in india means india only.But it too shall not work and Musharraf is indispensable and Unvulnerable tactical dramatic doubled edged sword throwing ball in American court with sweets in both hands as he is allweathered friend of China and China shall bail him out pluse OIC.In fact he is making alternative place for Pakistan and OIC in present Multypolar Globe.Bipolarity is over now. Instead of spending huge on iraq Bush could have saved earth from approaching to no return stage of environment as Mr. J. S. Rajput has warned in Asian Age 7.11.07as america is prime culprit of Global warming.
Osama made huge gains on wall street by tradung in advance of 11.9.And now w &co pvt ltd making private gains in Iraq oil and Afganistan Offims and creating all speculative booms in real estates,stocks in countries like india.But Osamma too is prevailing where Bush prevails.Who is sending such huge money in indian real estate and stock markets?And we see 77% bPL iIndians not getting even food in PDS system as this lobby has finished Indian planned things and have made it all speculative even food is opened for forward trading.and Osama says to W "too jahan Jahan Rahega, Mera Saya Sath Hoga" This cutthroat competition between Osam and Bush to make money for private Ltd at cost of Global Public Ltds. is very dangerous as in India now atleast 150 districts have parellel Naxalite administration like in Nepal.Youth joining Naxalizam and underworld for two square meal only as it is shining world for few now. It is not America but W & co Pvt Ltd affair and in India too it is by few without mandate and there are several politica Pvt Ltds finishing indian planned elaborated by noted Economist Prabhat Patnaik even after 6 months of 11th plan there is no Planned document available and Unconstitunally all states are compelled to gelegate funds and power to incompetent Loca bodies who avail services of Lobby to privatize even Planning to facilitate it shining World for few promoting Naxalizam and crimes and communalizam only.Osama follows W everywhere now.
Osama VS Bush is something costing america tremendous.Some in america want it for their personal gains both moneytory and political.It maynot now be american strategy but of few greedy selfish in america. and when Britain,japan and australian bosses joined hands all paid political price so much unpopular bush is now.america is loosing things everywhere from Latin america to Weat Asia to east Asia.Apart from this indirect cost,actual war costs and bodybags.Pluse when america consumes 255 global oil 92 dollar a barrel shall wipeout american economy and make iran on the contrary richest.america now must negotiate and reestablish Global institutes. Mr. prabir Purkayastha in 'People's Democracy'( oct 21, 07 )an organ of Communist Party Of India, Marxist has raised several vital Myths spread over this Nuclear deal.Japan and France have no coal and hence they go for Nuclear but we have huge coal and on the contrary,uranium shall exhaust within 35 years and we shall be dependent on america as if enron and Tarapur is not enough. And America is not signatory to Kyuto pact and we are forced to reduce our emission by 2.5% with such extra 220000 crores dollars when percapita emission of India is 105 of America.why bush is playing with india when it shall as Com Yechuri writes make China's arsenal more powerful and Pakistan's one more accurate than India signing it? Mr. Yechuri rightly asks who is helping China then proposer of this deal or Opoosers of this deal?