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Congratulations Bush for sparing Gandhiji.
by satish bagmar on Nov 09, 2007 09:36 AM

Bush has shown his kindness to billion indians for sparing Gandhiji when instead of introspeting and analysing present desaster he called Osama,Hitler and Lennin one and same.
Mr. Bush who created Osama and Saddam?Can a cat drink milk by shutting eyes thinking how cleverly it is fooling world?and Mr. bush who defeated Hitler?Russia.and Saudi youth attacked USA as where is per capita income of saudi as a friend of USA?And basically in name of Laden with whom is Bush fighting?With innocents? killing half a million Iraqis?Who is hittler then?And he is not ready to introspect and now is all set to destabilize Musharraf and trifurcate Iraq and may even pit sikhs with Islam creating desaster everywhere. But some forces shall engage Bush endlessly both King to king and pawn to Pawn fights.Has he infrastrecture and support and allies?He thinks that some proamericans in india means india only.But it too shall not work and Musharraf is indispensable and Unvulnerable tactical dramatic doubled edged sword throwing ball in American court with sweets in both hands as he is allweathered friend of China and China shall bail him out pluse OIC.In fact he is making alternative place for Pakistan and OIC in present Multypolar Globe.Bipolarity is over now.
Instead of spending huge on iraq Bush could have saved earth from approaching to no return stage of environment as Mr. J. S. Rajput has warned in Asian Age 7.11.07as america is prime culprit of Global warming.

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