Osama made huge gains on wall street by tradung in advance of 11.9.And now w &co pvt ltd making private gains in Iraq oil and Afganistan Offims and creating all speculative booms in real estates,stocks in countries like india.But Osamma too is prevailing where Bush prevails.Who is sending such huge money in indian real estate and stock markets?And we see 77% bPL iIndians not getting even food in PDS system as this lobby has finished Indian planned things and have made it all speculative even food is opened for forward trading.and Osama says to W "too jahan Jahan Rahega, Mera Saya Sath Hoga" This cutthroat competition between Osam and Bush to make money for private Ltd at cost of Global Public Ltds. is very dangerous as in India now atleast 150 districts have parellel Naxalite administration like in Nepal.Youth joining Naxalizam and underworld for two square meal only as it is shining world for few now. It is not America but W & co Pvt Ltd affair and in India too it is by few without mandate and there are several politica Pvt Ltds finishing indian planned achievements.as elaborated by noted Economist Prabhat Patnaik even after 6 months of 11th plan there is no Planned document available and Unconstitunally all states are compelled to gelegate funds and power to incompetent Loca bodies who avail services of Lobby to privatize even Planning to facilitate it shining World for few promoting Naxalizam and crimes and communalizam only.Osama follows W everywhere now.