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America has to note 4th ' A'in pakistan.
by satish bagmar on Nov 14, 2007 05:09 PM

America will have to play second innong with communists sooner or latter as communists are preparing for it.Laden and Communists may not be hand in hand as Bush claims but certainly they are not leg in leg and no chance in future too.And now 4th 'A' is prevailing in pakistan Viz Alqueda.Neither Benazir nor new army chief can afford to ignore this new 'A'whether america agrees or not.Human bombs and anthrex to bilogical dirty weapons etc.
On such backgrounds when america pits benazir against Musharraf,it is like america sitting in mouth of a snake catching a flag.Infact america too knows how ISI had funded 11.9 but Musharraf has handled all complications and pakistan under him only can deal with all mess america has created.biggest achievement of this region is neither india took advantage of situation in Pakistan nor Musharraf has lost patience and like other Generals has played antiindian card to overcome crisis.Musharraf is the only solution for pakistan for next decade.

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