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by Atreyee Sinha on May 28, 2006 12:25 PM  Permalink 

i can fathom why these "educated" doctors are suppoting reservations.
so many of my friends r obc ( i never knew abt it b4 arjun singh created this nonsense) . they go to the same scul as me, to the same tutions, etc etc.
what do they need a reservation for.

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Quota: Other side of the story
by Tarun on May 28, 2006 09:40 AM  Permalink 

Let some one should study the benifit Quota students had been given in the past 50 Years of independence.

Let HRD ministry should put the stasticstics of facts and figures the number of SC/ST & OBC students enrolled in the various courses and the drop out percentage from the same during the course and the pass %age from the same.

On the face of the reservation few reports were there in the press that the dropouts from the courses are higher.

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media doing right duty
by muralee on May 28, 2006 09:35 AM  Permalink 

It's appreciable that Rediff.com has done wonderful job in highlighting the topic in right direction and providing correct figures and facts about the resentment of a those group of people who are suffering at the hands of age old politicians.

why should the present generation of any caste should suffer for what has been done 1000 years ago.

Main motto of reservation is -->>
upliftment of society
that is possible only by providing a time based reservations.

60 years on and still reserved sections are not developed. where are the results going.

any evidence that they will develop?

Reservations are if at all needed, it is only for those needy? minimum lively hood?

Provide everything till entrance exams and let them be eligible for entering into a high profile and valued education. That's pride for everyone.

Please dont bring down the IMAGE OF IIT's and IIM's
Definitely the values are happened to fall.

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Reservations: The other side of the story
by Ganesh Krishnan on May 28, 2006 08:52 AM  Permalink 

Generally when people talk about students admitted to IITs and IIMs the impression created is that these students belong to the elite English speaking city prototypes who can afford education anywhere in the world. This is far from true. I attended the counselling for MTech admissions in IIT Kharagpur on belf of my son who cold not attend because he had exams. The students and parents who had come there were people from middle and lower middle class. Most of them were from small towns like Kurnool, Anantpur, Bokaro, Talchher etc. These students must have put in years of hard work only to get admitted to the IITs. I am sure more than 95% of them would not afford foreign education. All the students who had come were among thetop 1% in the entrance exams. There were quite a few OBC students who were competing on merits and getting admitted. I think it is cruel of the self proclaimed friends of the "opressed" class to deny such hard working students their due. It will be a total disinsentive for hard work and you cannot blame these students if they get cynical.

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Let there be reservations in the products and services delivered
by alok on May 28, 2006 08:37 AM  Permalink 

When reservations exist and push you through:
*education system when even you did not have minimum marks
*into different prestigious institutes when you did not have the bare minimum marks or finances
*into the premier and/or special coaching institutes when you neither have marks nor have finances
*into jobs when you did not even qualify, and was forcefully passed
There definitely can be reservations in the products and services we produce. These should be forced to be used by the legislators who divide the society on reservations.
Let PM,President, Party presidents etc. be forcefully treated by Reserved Doctors and flown on Reserved flights......

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to all pro-reservation people
by devil on May 28, 2006 07:19 AM  Permalink 

friends i myself am a SC student nd i find it an insult to my abilities nd merit to accept a seat with reservation with lenient eligibility criteria.
just tell me do u really think tat institutes of higher education keeps into consideration nething else other than merit.
why don't u ask for a more robust primary education system for the lower caste people so tat they become well prepared to fight it out at equal level nd get entry with their head held high at higher institutes.
friends casteism is our societies biggest evil nd it won't be removed if thousands of dalits become a doctor or engineer or d brahmins start sticthing shoes...we need to be sensible nd need to forget our past with d vision of starting a new society based on equality, sans caste.
so come on let's start a new revolution calling to slowly do away with d whole reservation process instead of increasing & empowering it, let there be reservations only for handicapped nd poor students.and also try to uproot d notion of castes frm our society.
inquilab zindabad

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Solution to the Reservation Imbroglio
by Sushant Singhal on May 28, 2006 07:18 AM  Permalink 

I suggest following exclusions to the Reservation policy....
1. A maximum of two children can avail benefit of the reserved quota in a family eligible for the reservation benefits. Thus, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Rabri Devi can avail quota benefit for only two of their 11 children.
2. If either of the parents are or have been MLA, MLC or M.P. their children are outside the purview of the reserved quota.
3. If either of the parents is/has been a Gazetted Officer / Class I officer, their children cannot claim jobs/seats under reserved catagory.
4. If either of the parents has a pucca built house in his or her name, the children cannot claim reserved quota.
5. If either of the parents have a four wheeler in his or her name, their children cannot claim reserved quota benefits.
6. If either of the parents have served a jail sentence owing to a crime of moral turpitude, they cannot claim quota benefits for their children.
7. A candidate would be eligible for reserved quota only once in his / her student life and only once while seeking a job.

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Had there been 50% reservation in media!
by Dr Abhishek on May 28, 2006 01:01 AM  Permalink 

Alas! the media doesn't offer 50% reservations in their recruitments, if that would have been so, then my dear shameless fellow countrymen would have got the attention they desire.
Also, it might be of some use to bring it to their kind attention that the media is, on most times, suppressing the anti reservation stir. Had the media unleashed itself, it would be much easier to wake up the sleeping country.

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reservation policy
by ajay yadav on May 28, 2006 12:58 AM  Permalink 

undue friction within communities is avoidable with respect to reservations. the forward caste brothers should understand that the backward students gain immensly from reservations. but govt should ensure that it is not at the cost of any section of society. otherwise it is divide and rule.
however the historic and cultural differences between north and south, east and west of india can not be ignored. south is very very advanced educationally and OBCs of south are far far better than even the forward castes of north. undue/ imbalanced regional distribution of mandal benefits ignoring the population percentages of various states can create serious regional tensions.

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