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to all pro-reservation people
by devil on May 28, 2006 07:19 AM

friends i myself am a SC student nd i find it an insult to my abilities nd merit to accept a seat with reservation with lenient eligibility criteria.
just tell me do u really think tat institutes of higher education keeps into consideration nething else other than merit.
why don't u ask for a more robust primary education system for the lower caste people so tat they become well prepared to fight it out at equal level nd get entry with their head held high at higher institutes.
friends casteism is our societies biggest evil nd it won't be removed if thousands of dalits become a doctor or engineer or d brahmins start sticthing shoes...we need to be sensible nd need to forget our past with d vision of starting a new society based on equality, sans caste.
so come on let's start a new revolution calling to slowly do away with d whole reservation process instead of increasing & empowering it, let there be reservations only for handicapped nd poor students.and also try to uproot d notion of castes frm our society.
inquilab zindabad

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